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What if Vecna curses Lucas and Max and Lucas share a Walkman together


Max had just finished telling Nancy about what she saw in Vecna's Mindlair, while Nancy pieced together the drawings and figured out that it was Victor Creel's house. They all went down to the Wheeler's basement and as they had thought, everyone was sleeping, all except from one. Lucas. He was just sitting there on the sofa, not moving, with his eyes rolled in the back of his head. Max immediately knew what was happening. Vecna was in his mind. She quickly took of her headphones, not worrying about rewinding it and placed it onto his ears and pressed play.


Lucas was in the basement, and heard a sinister voice, calling out his name, repeatedly. His first guess was Vecna, as everyone around him was there but not moving, it was like he was in a freeze frame, but only he could move. He didn't know why Vecna had come after him, as he couldn't think of any trauma he had, only the trauma of seeing Demogorgons and the Mindflayer/Spider Monster.

He decided to go up the basement stairs, to the hall and went into the kitchen and saw Vecna's clock and every time it chimed, he only saw one person in his mind. The one person he had a deep connection with. The one he cared for. The one he loved. Max. Max Mayfield, the girl he had lost, but still cherished and adored in his heart.

He had become confused, as to why he would be seeing her. Why would the psychopath who had tried to kill her in a very gruesome way be showing him her? He then heard the voice saying his time was running out. He was snapped out of his thoughts when he heard the familiar song of Running Up That Hill by Kate Bush and was back in the basement, surrounded by Nancy, Robin, Dustin, Steve...and Max. Max, who was holding him in her arms, tightly, as if he would just slip through her fingers. She started crying as she hugged him and he started crying too. They got up off the floor after a few minutes of sobbing and walked over to the sofa. He took the headphones off and gave them back to Max, who placed it back around her neck, turning it off. Nancy finally asked what he saw in his vision.

"So, I woke up, and then I looked around and saw everyone there but they weren't moving, it was like a freeze frame type of thing. Then I heard a voice. Vecna. I went up the steps and saw the clock and every time it chimed, I saw someone." Lucas said with shaky hands. Everyone looked around in concern and waited for him to say the name. "It was... Max." He said turning around to look at the girl besides him, with a ghost white face and dried tears on her cheeks, and as she looked away, she couldn't help but think to herself, that if she did die, everyone's problems to do with her would be solved. She was confused as to why she would be in his vision, but decided to just ask him later privately.

"He then said I was running out of time." Lucas finished off with, as he wiped away a lone tear that escaped him. Nancy and Steve shared a look of concern while Robin and Dustin exchanged looks of worry. His leg then started to bounce up and down, from his worries and it wouldn't stop, until Max put her hand on top of his kneecap and assured him that he wouldn't come to any danger and gave him a small smile as he returned it and nodded his head. They all decided that Steve, Dustin, Robin and Nancy would check out Creel House while Max and Lucas would stay at the Wheeler's listening to music trying to prevent Vecna from coming for them.

They listened to the sound of Kate Bush'"Umm... so... do you know why I was there, in your vision?" Max asked, trying to get rid of the thick tension in the air between them, while looking over at Lucas, who glanced at her as well.

Lucas shook his head, and responded. "No. I have an idea though, but I'm not sure." Max nodded her head, urging him to go on. "I feel like, I could see that you weren't okay, even though you said you were and I just turned my head to look the other way, just concentrated on basketball, which doesn't come close as to how important you are in my life."

Max shook her head. "No, Lucas, I could see how you tried to help. Do you remember that night, I broke up with you, on Thanksgiving?" Lucas nodded his head, while quirking his eyebrows, unsure of what was about to happen. "You told me that you were there to help but I just pushed you away and made things worse for myself. I replay that moment back in my head all the time, regretting my decision, and I can't help but think that if I did let you help, then I wouldn't be in such a shitty position." Max explained with watery eyes on the verge of tears. Lucas quickly took her hands in his and tried to comfort her as best as he could.

"Max, stop. This is all my fault. I should have never joined the basketball team. I should've seen what was so clear right in front of my eyes. I should have never let you push me away. I should have only come closer. I promise you, I am never going away, okay. Do you hear me? I am never going away. If we're in a relationship or if we're just friends, I am going to be there for you." Lucas said, with confidence as he started to let tears leave him now, just not caring about anything except from Max in this moment in time.

"Ok." Was the only response she could get out and hugged him, as she was astonished at how much he cared for her and thought he was over her by now.

A/N: There will be like 1 or 2 more parts to this. Bye ;)

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