Please Stay

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What if Max was on her period and Lucas tried to look after her (Part 2 because I felt like it)

(Fluff) (A little angst)

(A few days after the last chapter)

For the past few nights, Lucas had been staying at Max's trailer with her, so he could tend to her needs, and tried to be there for her as much as possible, to make up for the lost time. Of course his parents had asked where he was, but he just made an excuse saying he was having a sleepover at Mike's. It was 8am in the morning on a Wednesday and they were both sleeping with Lucas' arms wrapped around Max's stomach, her naked stomach, which is where she would place his hands every night.

Max had now woken up and tried to get out of bed silently, but awoke Lucas as well.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you." Max apologised quietly.

"It's ok, I would've gotten up around this time now anyway." Lucas said, shaking his head, looking at the time on his watch, which was on the bedside table. Max smiled softly at him and he returned it and kissed his cheek and walked towards the bathroom. Lucas smiled to himself as he thought that he was one step closer to getting Max back and laid back down on the bed while waiting for her to finish up in the bathroom so he could have a shower.

Max saw that her period was finished and was happy but sad at the same time. Happy, because the excruciating pain was over, but sad that Lucas was going to have to go. She didn't think there could be any harm in asking him to stay over for a couple more days. She then had a shower and got changed and exited the bathroom, going back to her room to see Lucas lying down peacefully. She put her wet towel on her chair to dry and walked over to her bed and lay down next to him. She decided to poke his cheeks until he opened his eyes, but instead of that happening he went on top of her, tickling her, making her giggle, which he had never heard before.

"Okay, okay, Lucas stop, okay." Max said while laughing. He smiled at the sight and stopped his motions.

"I need to ask you something." Max said with a serious expression, now sitting up.

"Ok." Lucas said, sitting beside her, with a look of concern, seeing how straight her face was.

"Since, my period is over, you don't need to be here anymore, right. But could you, maybe, stay a few more days." Max said, looking down at the floor.

"Yeah, I can stay however more days you want me to, but me staying was never about your girl thing." Lucas said which made Max look confused.

"It was about me hanging out with you, without some weird upside down thing chasing us." He said, making Max chuckle. "Because I miss spending time with you without a care for the world, and I sometimes wonder if we can ever go back to the old us."

"Me too. I think about it all the time." Max said, while closing her eyes. "The reason I need you to stay is because it is still hard for me to go to sleep ever since Billy died, but now it's worse, because the dreams aren't just about Billy, it's about Vecna now as well. But when you were sleeping with me, the nightmares didn't come, I don't even know how that works." She said while crying.

" Max, I'm so sorry." Lucas said while engulfing her into a hug. "It will get better, though, it just takes time. I will stay as long as you need me too, hell, I'll even move in."

Max chuckled at this and was happy that she could confide in him, as this was way better, than Miss Kelly, the school counsellor, who did nothing to help.

"Also, there is one more thing." She said while looking up at him.

"What is it?" He said, while narrowing his eyebrows at her.

"Can we, maybe, try again? As girlfriend and boyfriend?" Max asked.

Lucas smiled. " Do you know how long I have been waiting for you to ask that?"

Max laughed and got up to go and make breakfast for them, but before she could, Lucas grabbed her hand and made her turn around to face him.

"Wait, first, can I kiss you?" Lucas questioned while standing up and walking towards her.

"I guess that would be ok." She said with a smile.

Lucas grinned and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and cupped her cheek and leaned in and their lips met. But instead of a sweet, short peck, it was a long, passionate kiss full of all of the emotions and feelings they cannot describe or put into words. She put her hands on his chest and he led them back up to the bed. They sat down, still not breaking the kiss, before lying down and expressed their love to each other. Let's just say that Max had to get changed twice and have another shower.

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