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What if Max and Lucas looked at the stars.


Max and Lucas were laying down together, while they listened to Dustin try and get in contact with Suzie.

"Dustin, come on she's not there!" Max said exasperated.

"She's there alright. She'll pick up." Dustin retorted.

"Maybe Cerebro doesn't work." Will spoke, sitting up a little, with him leaning on his elbows.

"Or maybe, Suzie doesn't exist." Lucas faced Dustin.

"She exists!" Dustin exclaimed at the horrific statement.

"She's a genius and she's hotter than Phoebe Cates? No girl is that perfect." Lucas explained.

"Is that so?" Max sat up, looking down at him.

Lucas quickly sat up, trying to think of something to save himself from getting dumped for the 6th time. "I mean you're perfect. In your own way." Max furrowed her eyebrows. "In your special way. In your... own way... in your own special way." He stammered.

Max laughed at this, finding it cute how nervous he can get.
"Relax, I'm just teasing." Lucas nodded his head, relieved. "I'm obviously perfect and Dustin's obviously lying."

She stood up and held her hand out. "Come on, Don Juan." He stood up and took it and they walked down the hill together.

"Where are you going?" Dustin asked.

"Home." Max called out.

When they were far enough away from the others, Max slowed down and looked around before deciding on a spot a bit further down to spot.

She led Lucas to the spot and sat down.

"What are we doing here?" He asked.

"I don't wanna go home just yet." Max admitted. "Do you?"

"No." He immediately said. "I mean no... not yet."

"Right." She studied him for a minute before speaking. "Why are you still standing up?"

He just shook his head and sat down next to her before lying down.

She copied the action before entwining their fingers together and smiled softly, looking up at the night sky.

"Why do you get nervous when you're around me?" She asked.

He looked at her to find her already looking at him.

He chuckled nervously, not expecting this question to arise.

"What are you talking about?"

"Come on, Lucas. Everyone can see it. Even El picked up on it."

"I don't know." He shrugged.

"Mhm. Right. So would you get nervous if I did this?" She smirked and trailed her finger down his chest.

His eyes widened and felt butterflies form in his stomach. "Max, what are you doing?"

"Nothing. Why? Do you feel uncomfortable?" She asked in concern, wanting to have her fun, but not wanting to go over any boundaries.

"No, I'm fine. You're just making me a bit nervous again." He chuckled a little.

Max smiled at this, loving the effect she has over him. She stopped her movements and moved over a little bit to wrap her arms around his torso and lean her head back.

"Is this okay?" She questioned.

"Yeah. Absolutely." He smiled, looking down at her, running his fingers through her hair, admiring her beautiful features.

She turned to look back at the sky and smiled softly at the stars. She loved the constellations and patterns of them. She found them very unique.

"Did you do this back in California?" He asked, looking over at her.

She shrugs. "Sometimes. Whenever I was staying with my dad, we used to go on camping trips and we used to stay up for hours, just looking."

Lucas nods his head. "Do you miss it?"

"Yeah." She smiles sadly.

"We can do this whenever you want then. We can just escape to here for a few hours and just relax and talk." He suggests.

"Yeah. I'd like that." She smiles at him before reaching up and pecking his lips.

He smiles softly at her.

They both point to stars and just talk amongst themselves before finally deciding to go home.

A/N: Sorry it's so short. I hope you liked this. :)

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