Break Up

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What if Max and Lucas broke up.

sadiesinkluvrforlife You better read this or I'm coming for you. I love you baby <333.

(Before season 3, but after season 2. Max is friends with Eleven.)

Max was on her way to the junkyard to meet Lucas to just hang out. That was their main place to be together as well as the arcade. She got off her skateboard when she got to the hill and saw Lucas on top of the bus and walked her way down to join him. She got into the bus and climbed up the ladder.

"Hey, Stalker." She said, smiling.

"Oh, hey Max." Lucas says, with a stoic expression. Max wondered why he was acting like this, because she's noticed that he's been very distant lately. He didn't even call her MadMax which he knows that she likes to be called that. She decides to dismiss it though and act like nothing happened.

"So, how have you been?" Max asks, seeing as they haven't seen each other in about a week.

"Fine." Lucas replies. Max is really confused as he has not been himself lately, or maybe this is the real him, and everything before was fake. They sit in silence for a few minutes longer before Max gets up and starts going down the ladder.

"Woah Max, where are you going?"

"Home." Max replies quickly as she goes down the ladder and grabs her skateboard and sets off to meet El instead, not wanting Lucas to know where she is. Lucas is bemused, not knowing why she just ran off like this, as he can't think of what he did wrong.

Max arrives at Hopper's cabin and does the 3 secret knock code and the door opens soon enough by Hopper who smiles softly and lets her in.

Max knocks on Eleven's bedroom door and hears no reply, letting her know that Mike is there. She goes in and shouts Mike.


Mike and Eleven jump and pull away from each other.

"JESUS! Max, what the hell is wrong with you?" Mike asks, clutching his chest.

"Nothing. Me and El are going to have some girl time, so shoo." Max waves her hands at him.

"Fine, I'm going." Mike picks up his hoodie and kisses his girlfriend's cheek and leaves the cabin.

"What's up, Max?" El asks.

"Lucas. He's not been himself, lately. So..." Max trails off.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just waiting for him to figure out what's wrong with himself and say sorry." Max shrugs.

"You sure?"

"El, relax I'm okay." Max walks over to the bed and sits next to her friend.


"Now, let's see what magazines you have." Max smiles at El who smiles back at her.


Lucas was hanging out with Dustin and Will at the arcade, not focusing on DigDug, as he was trying to figure out why Max was mad at him. His walkie had noises coming out from it so pulled it out of his bag and heard Mike.

"Where are you guys?" Mike asks.

"The arcade."

"OK. I'm on my way."

"Why aren't you with El?" Lucas questions.

"I got kicked out by Max."

That was all Lucas needed to hear before he left the arcade and got on his bike and went to the cabin. He got to the familiar cabin and dropped his bike down on the forest floor and went up to the door and knocked the special code 3 times before Eleven opened the door instead of Hopper since he was at work.

"Lucas? Max doesn't want to see you."

"Please, El. I need to see her."

"Fine." Max sighs and moves to the side and lets him in. "She's in my room."

"Thanks." Lucas says and enters through the door, going to El's room.

"El, who was at th-" Max looks up from her magazine and sees Lucas smiling at her softly.

"What do you want?" Max says standing up and crossing her arms.

"I just want to know why you're mad."

"Are you serious? Go figure it out, Lucas."

"No, Max. I'm not leaving until I get an explanation."

"Your ex is really pretty."

"What? I don't have an ex. Who do you think it is?"


El purses her lips to try and stop herself from smiling. Lucas doesn't even know what he's done but leaves the cabin and shuts the door behind him and makes his way to Starcourt mall which recently opened.
"Max that was so badass." El tells Max and starts laughing while Max smiles.


Lucas had a lot of money saved from lawn mowing and pocket money from his parents and so decided to use that to buy Max a sorry gift even though he doesn't even think he did anything wrong. It took him a while but he found the perfect thing for her. A bottle of perfume he hopes she likes and a necklace that has a silver heart in the middle.

 A bottle of perfume he hopes she likes and a necklace that has a silver heart in the middle

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(Her necklace)

He goes to El's again and drops his bike down just like the first time and knocks the special code once again and El opens the door and lets him in. Max is in her best friend's room again lying down on the bed.

"Hey Max." Lucas says as Max gets up from the bed and stands up and crosses her arms. "El, can me and Max talk alone." She looks at Max and Max nods her head and El leaves the room but stands outside looking through the crack in the door.

"Look Max, I'm sorry about what I've done." Lucas tries to play off as best as he can because he has no idea what he's talking about. "I really am, so I brought you something." He gives her a bag with his gifts.

Max eyes him for a minute before taking it. First she pulls out the perfume and smiles and then a black box. She puts the bag down on the floor and puts the perfume on the shelf and opens the box carefully and her eyes widen, not knowing Lucas would actually buy something like that for her. She's never seen anything so beautiful before in her life. She smiles at it then smiles at Lucas.

"Shall I put it on you?" He asks and she nods. He goes over to her and she turns around and puts all of her hair over to one side and puts it on her. She turns around and smiles at him before hugging him and he hugs her back, happy that he got his girl back.

A/N: Thank you for the suggestion, Salmastar1000.

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