Castle Byers

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What If the Party decide to spend the night in Castle Byers and Max and Lucas cuddle and the Party teases them for it.

(Max and Lucas aren't dating yet.)


The song of Every Breath You Take by The Police had just finished playing, which meant that by this time, Max had just kissed Lucas and Lucas had done the same to her. Max and Lucas walked back to their table, and already saw Dustin and Will sitting there, talking amongst themselves. They sat down, but were met with weird looks from the two nerds who had just finished their conversation.

"What?" Max questioned, furrowing her eyebrows, unsure of why she was being looked at like that. When Will was about to answer, Mike and Eleven had come to the table as well, holding hands. Will then got a chance to answer after they had sat down as well.

"Oh come on, Max. You seriously thought that we wouldn't - "

"- see you guys sucking face" Dustin finished off for him.

Mike's eyes widened, along with Lucas, Eleven's face full of confusion, unsure of what that term meant and Max's turning red. Max just looked down, hoping nobody would see her face being a tomato.

"You were doing what?" Mike said in disbelief.

"Oh, come on Mike, what were you and El doing?" Max retorted.

"For the second time." Lucas added in. It was Mike's turn to have his face turn red, but Eleven was just so lost at this point. Will was covering his mouth with his hand, trying not to chuckle, but Dustin was laughing his head off. Max was smirking, finally having some dirt on him, that she could use against him.

Mike had enough of this embarrassment. "Alright, stop now. You've had your fun. Let's take a vote, home or Castle Byers. Home." No one put their hand up. "Castle Byers." Everyone put their hand up.

They left the building of Hawkins Middle and told their parents that they were having a sleepover at Castle Byers. Their parents agreed but asked about their clothes. Will quickly stepped in and said that they could borrow his. They rode their bikes there, with El on Mike's and Max on Lucas'. Will went in Joyce's car as she was still very cautious about him going on his bike.

They all met up there and the boys got changed first, then the girls. Max tried to talk to El and to her surprise she actually spoke to her in a friendly manner.

"Max, I wanted to say sorry. When I was mean to you. I thought you liked Mike. I know you like Lucas now." Max's eyes widened in shock.

"Ew! Gross! I don't like Mike. We're barely even friends." Max didn't know what El saw in Mike, but she was happy that Mike wasn't being mean anymore, so she didn't care. "Can we start over?" Max asked, putting her hand out for Eleven to shake. Eleven smiled and shook her hand and they told the boys they could come back in the fort.

At first, they talked about anything and everything, then resorted to telling scary stories, with Max trying to scare Mike and make him scream, but instead it was Lucas who shrieked like a girl. They all laughed at him, including Eleven, who then apologised afterwards. He told her it was ok. And then made a comment.

"At least someone has manners." They all laughed at this and then decided to go to bed. Eleven and Max next to each other, Mike and Lucas, and Will and Dustin.

After about an hour, they all fell asleep, except one. Max. She put her shoes on and went outside and sat on a log nearby and gazed at the stars. She always used to do that as a kid, back in California, she used it as a way of running away from her troubles.

Lucas woke up to the sound of rustling, and he sat up and saw Max was gone. He quickly put his shoes on and walked outside to see Max sitting on a log, just looking up at the night sky.

Max heard movement behind her and quickly jumped up and only saw Lucas. "What are you doing here, Stalker?"

"Well, you were being incredibly loud when you got out of the fort." He smiled.

"Sorry." She said, with a small smile.

"So what are you doing out here?" He asked.

"I couldn't sleep, so I came out here to look at the stars." She answered, walking back over to the log and sitting down, he followed.

"Do you like to do that a lot?" He questioned.

"Yeah." She smiled, looking up. "I used to do it in California all the time, just to... get away from everything. When I look at the stars, I just used to forget all my troubles and just admire the sky."

He smiled at her and they talked for some more before going back inside Castle Byers. When they got there, they saw Mike moved over to sleep with El. They smirked at the scene and Max leaned over to his ear and whispered.

"Let's be sure to remind them tomorrow of this." He smiled and nodded.

They both took their shoes off and went into bed, and lay down next to each other. Lucas lay on his back while Max was on her side and unconsciously laid her arm across his stomach and fell asleep. Lucas fell asleep as well, unintentionally entangling their legs with each other.

Dustin was the first to wake up, and didn't care about Mike and Eleven sleeping with each other, as it was pretty much normal at this point, but was surprised by the way Lucas and Max were sleeping with each other. He quickly shook Will awake and pointed at them who then woke Mike up, who woke Eleven up and they all smirked at the scene except Eleven who wondered why it was funny. They decided to wait until they woke up to tease them about it. Lucas was the first to wake up and realised what happened overnight and saw the others looking at him smirking. He then tried to wake Max up but was met with her telling him to shut up and to go away. She then jumped up and took her hand away from his stomach when he told her that the others are watching them.

"Good sleep, Max?" Mike teased, but Max just flipped him off.

They all teased them until they got changed and realised they had school and quickly hurried, but Max didn't really care and neither did Lucas, as they had to talk about something, so on the way to school , Max told Lucas to stop somewhere, and so he did. She let go of him and got off the bike and he got off as well and parked it.

"We need to talk." Max started.

"Yeah." Lucas nodded.

"I really like you Lucas. Not as a friend, but more than that." Lucas smiled at this and his eyes gleamed with hope.

"Me too, for ages now."

"Really?" Max asked in confusion, wondering why anyone would like her.

"Yeah, ever since I saw you." Lucas smiled. Max smiled and leaned in to kiss him and he was shocked as this was their third kiss now.

"What does this make us?" He asked.

"What do you want us to be?" She queried.

"Umm... I want us to be together. But only if you want to." He answered.

"I want the same." She confirmed and with that they went to school together.

A/N: I hoped you liked this. And thanks for the request, jailyn459.

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