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What if Max and Lucas skipped class together

During season 4

They're together


Max had just finished her session with Miss Kelly and was looking for Lucas.

She was trying to figure out what lesson he had and then she remembered it was English.

She then went up the stairs and through many corridors until she was outside his door. She saw him quite quickly, as he was in the second row, behind Mike.

She waved for about 10 seconds before they locked eyes. He furrowed his eyebrows, confused on why she was here and not in her own class.

She positioned her fingers in a 'come here' motion, wanting him to get the message to come outside.

He put his hand up and asked to go to the toilet, then the teacher agreed, and he grabbed his bag and exited the room.

He looked around the hallway for Max. "Max."

She was behind him, wanting to scare him as she thought it would be fun. She grabbed his shoulder with her hand and shouted 'boo' and he screamed like a girl, turning around to face Max who was laughing really hard.

"Max, that wasn't funny."

"Oh, but it was."

He sighed. "What are you even doing here? You're supposed to be in class."

"I didn't wanna go." She shrugged and started walking away. "You coming?"

Lucas ran after her and followed her into the gym. There were a few guys practicing for their game tonight so they crept along quietly and got under the bleachers.

A few minutes later, the whole team came and they started shooting hoops.

Before Lucas could ask why they were there, Max smashed her lips on his and kissed him passionately. He kissed her back with same amount of want and cupped the back of her neck and deepened the kiss.

She then lifted one leg on top of him, straddling him, not breaking the kiss. She put one hand on his neck and the other on his chest. Lucas licked her bottom lip and she parted her lips and their tongues fought for dominance which Max won.

Max then pulled away and started kissing his neck. She started to kiss from just below his ear down to his collarbone.

"Max, what are you doing?" Lucas said, through gritted teeth, as it was turning him on.

"I've got an idea." She said, ignoring his question.


"But we can't do it here." She got off him and grabbed his hand pulling him up and when all the basketball players were turned around, they sneaked out the exit and ran to his car.

Lucas got in the drivers seat and Max got in the passenger seat.

"Where are we going?" He turned to face her after he started the car up.

"My place. My mom's not home so we should be fine."

He nodded and started driving, still confused about what they're going to do.


Max opened the door with her key and threw them in the glass bowl near the doorway.

She took her shoes off and Lucas did the same and they made their way to her bedroom.

"What are we doing?" Lucas asked once again.

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