A Personal Hell

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(A/N: I repeat this is NOT an abused male reader typa thing where there's also a big ass harem cuz ion do that shit. I'm stressing it cuz if rather not be included in that mix and have this interpreted that way =⁠_⁠=. Anyways, enjoy!)


1983, Japan

This is not good.

This is not good at all.

Blood poured out of the young boy's throbbing head, seeping into his torn clothes. He fought the urge to shut his eyes, to leave the painful world, if only for an instant. He had to get up. He must.

Get up.

Get up.


Y/n's breath left him as a man threw his foot into his stomach, his breath hitched. He coughed up more blood staining the dirty carpet floor.

"Look here, we are putting you up with Shinto's and his crew, no one would suspect a little kid stealing shit right? Now move along, we need the money boy!"

Y/n slowly got back up, his head hanging down as he marched toward their front door

'So much for family..'


Y/n soon reached a large, worn down warehouse in the outskirts of the nearby slums. To the naked eye, it would seem that not a soul could reside there, but a closer look would reveal that the place was full of Yakuza. Y/n awkwardly knocked on the metal door resulting in several clangs. He heard footsteps march up to the door with the hint of annoyance.

"Alright, who the fuck- oh it's you." A Yakuza member in a black suit spoke.

"In the flesh" Y/n unenthusiastically stated.

"Alright then, come on then"

He lead Y/n into the depths of the warehouse, he tried to ignore the looks of the grungy looking members. Whatever he has to do he hope it's something short, preferably non-lethal.

It's not like he has a choice.

'One day,' he thought, one day.

The man knocks on the door as the leader, Shinto, yells out to come in. Y/n comes in and sits on the torn up leather chair in front of him as the man left to do his own thing.

"So I guess Isamu let his own child do his own work. Pitiful, but I don't care, labor is labor, y'know."

"I see they've been treating you a little rough, I hope this won't get in the way, right?" Shinto says as he gestures to Y/n's wounds and the dried blood on him

"No sir" Y/n quietly spoke

"I see, but I still gotta ask, why don't you join us? Get away from your parents and make something of yourself y'know?"

Y/n contemplated this. Yes, joining the Yakuza would free him from his cruel parents, but is it any different from here? This faction of Yakuza is known to be cruel and strict, and the fact that he is also used as a punching bag and and errand boy didn't help much either. He just wants to be free from all of it.

'One day' he thought.

"No sir, thank you."

"Bah, suit yourself I guess, anyways I need you to go over to the local police station."

Seeing Y/n's widening eyes he quickly reassures him.

"Now now don't worry about all of that, that station is so complacent they barely have anyone guarding the damn place. You'll be relatively fine"

How reassuring.

"I just need you to steal a couple things from their armory, there is a window leading into it, bring back as many guns and shit as you can carry, yah got it?"

Y/n repeatedly nodded his head, but internally was freaking out.

'A police station?? Are you kidding me? I'm surprised I'm not dead yet.. what kind of shit is this?"

"And don't think about shooting us up with those things either, are well take care of ya the Yakuza way."

Shinto let out a boisterous laugh as Y/n left the warehouse. With this Y/n immediately paled.

'How the hell am I going to do this?'


We now see Y/n outside of the aforementioned window under the guise of the night, armed with a knife given to him by one of the Yakuza.

'Alright Y/n, how am I going to do this?'

He thought for a moment.

Then thought some more.

'Fuck it'

Y/n broke the window out of all things. He waited for people to come, but no one did. He decided not to look a gift horse in the mouth and hopped in, avoiding the glass in the process.

'Now I just gotta look for an important looking door... There!'

He found the locked metal door, tha kfully he had a bobby bin and unlocked the door with practiced ease.

'Man, talk about easy'

He shuffled his hands along the walls until he found a switch and flicked it, lighting up the room.


"Huh, whazzat?" Said the sleeping guard in the security room.

He looked on the cams and saw some shards of glass near the armory room.

Being the responsible and reliable policeman he was, he fell back asleep

"Prolly a bird..."

The justice system is amazing, am I right?

Anyways Y/n was currently stuffing his pockets with clips, mags, and other stuff you shouldn't put in your pocket. He took 2 rifles and stuffed several pistols into the rim of his shorts.

'Alright, I'm out of here-'


A policeman equiped with a flashlight and pistol stood down the hallway.

"What you doin down 'dere??"


"I don't think *urk* you supposed to be down there buckoooo"

'This guy is... drunk?'

"Imma shoot ya if ya don't-" he was interrupted by his own puke pouring out of his mouth with the average speed of a Cheetah. Taking the chance he climbed out of the window, and ran as fast as he could, with a bunch of guns on him.

Unfortunately the guard with his slight consciousness, ran to the window, and shot at Y/n, striking his left shoulder. Using the power of adrenaline, he ran and ran back to the warehouse.


We now see the boy in the same office again along with Shinto. Y/n's shoulder was noticeably sloppily wrapped in bandages.

"Hah, I see you made it back in one piece, well, sorta. Just put everything down on the table and I'll give ya the money."

Y/n placed everything down on the table.

"Y'know, the offer is still there to work with us."

"No thank you sir."

"Ah, suit yourself."

He gave him the pay, which is about 4,000 yen. Y/n went back on his way to his shitty ass house. His shoulder pounded in pain and his mind was tired beyond belief. The bags under his eyes showed his exhaustion as he lumbered to his home.

However, he was puzzled when the door was left open...


And that concludes the first chapter! Hope you enjoyed it. Make sure you like share, and subscribe, idk that ever people say.

See you whenever :)

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