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"In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law?

Is it like the hand of God hovering above?
At least it is true that man has no control; even over his own will."



He tried to swing it around, getting used to the added on weight of the sword. He realized it required a certain finesse to use it correctly.

"Hmm... Alright then..."

And so, Y/n took off, he doesn't know where, but he does know why. That is to keep moving, to survive, to struggle and prosper.

To live.



Y/n scratched at the small stubble on his chin, internally cursing himself for not taking care of it earlier.

It's been three years since the arrival of the Fury devil and the contract with it. Since then, Y/n has grown up, mentally and physically. Being the 22 year old man that he is, after all.

His tall stature and his muscular physique added on to his intimidation factor, along with his resting stoic face and the countless scars littered around the young man's body.

He still carries on the same cloak, and fitted with better suited armor that was totally not stolen. The one thing that truly remained was his sword. The thing rested on a makeshift sheath on his back, somehow it stays on despite its weight.

Y/n was tired.

Very tired.

Every once in a while he has dreams, not pleasant ones.

These nightmares plaque his mind, having him wake with a sense of unease.

A sense of foreboding.

That, along with a devil here and there, and the Yakuza on his ass, he has a lot on his plate.

"Hah... Dammit..."

He chuckled at his twisted fate. He ate at the fruit he managed to scavenge somewhere. The past three years have been far but easy. Sure he was gifted with the sword, but at the end of the day...

He was just a human.

An ordinary man.

An ordinary man in an extraordinary world.

He unsheathed the massive blade and gazed at it, looking at the slightly dulled, scratched metal. He lashes out on a nearby wall, landing a devastating gash that bore into it, showing the other side. He looks at his sword again, tracing his hands against the blade.

He felt at peace, as long as he swung his sword.


He drudged along the rocky terrain, walking up a cliff until he got a pretty good view.

He drudged along the rocky terrain, walking up a cliff until he got a pretty good view

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