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"In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law?

Is it like the hand of God hovering above?
At least it is true that man has no control; even over his own will."



"Heh... Would you look at that! Now then...

How the hell am I gonna survive this!"

He yelled out as he plummeted towards the earth.



Suffice to say, Y/n was in a predicament.

He was rather high up in the air, and was soaring fast towards the concrete that lasted beneath.

Time felt like it slowed into a drawl. His eyes slowly looked around himself, noting a building he would fall next to.

He then got an idea.

A dumb idea.

He growled, heaving his sword up, and as he got to the level of the roof of said building, he jabbed the sword far into the wall.


He grounded down the building, his muscles incredibly tense trying to keep the sword in control. Y/n didn't know the physics behind it, so he was taking a gamble. The sword made it's way through the building's walls like butter, using the momentum from the fall to do so.


And then he stopped. This puts Y/n in another predicament. With some quick judgement he was able to see that he was around the 4th floor of the building. He noted the window that stood next to him.

He got another idea.

'Alright, let's see here, this shit better work

He heaved himself up next to sword, literally making him stand on the side of the building. Using some slight momentum he heaved himself into the window crashing through it.

What he didnt notice was that the room was full of seemingly businessmen.



"... Excuse me."

He dashed out of the room, leaving the men to look at each other in confusion.

Y/n burst towards the area where his sword was stuck in, thankfully he was able to pull it through, requiping his sword. He races throughout the building, multiple employees confused and in shock as he pushed them aside. He jumped down the stairs, landing slightly harshly onto the 1st floor. He ran throughout the floor, running by the secretary who was just as confused as everyone else.

"Hey who the hell are- gah!"

A security guard made an attempt by stopping, but with the strength of an NFL running back he stiff armed the man, damn near dribbling him on the ground.

He bursts out of the building, racing off towards the location where Denji and the Bat Devil were. He notes that Power was there too, covered in blood. He looks over to see...

 He looks over to see

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