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"In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law?

Is it like the hand of God hovering above?
At least it is true that man has no control; even over his own will."




Y/n put his hand on his shoulder, silencing him.

"I get what your trynna do, alright? But sometimes you can't follow a rulebook..."

He then walked off towards home, leaving Aki in a contemplative state.


He looked on from the balcony, gazing upon the dark night sky. He basked in the moon and stars' light.

He looked on at the lively town of Tokyo, still awake from the nightly activities one would do on nights like these.

Normal people doing normal things.


Y/n grimaced slightly, gripping the metal railing.

He knew he couldn't have that.

His expression slightly softened, remembering back to his years.

He'd rather it be him than others. People, especially children deserve more than what he was dealt with.

He heaved a sigh. His muscles at a constant dull ache, ghost pains ailed his chest and scars as he slowly took a breath.

Alas, the path of a struggler.


Y/n looked over to see Aki looking over at him around the wall that separated their balconies.

"What." He bluntly stated.


His hand came over with a can of beer.

"Wanna drink?"


Y/n sat next to him in a chair, can in hand.

"The hell is this stuff?"

"You... Never had beer before?"

"Nah, heard of it, never really seen it or tried it."

"... First time for everything I guess."

Y/n took a swig of the alcoholic beverage, he sat there, contemplating. He then turned to Aki.

"This kinda tastes like shit, but in a good way."

"That's really all there is to it."


The two sat in a comfortable silence, occasionally taking swigs of their drinks. Aki kept glancing over at Y/n, which was something Y/n took note of.

"You got something to say?" He said slightly rough.

"... Do you know about the Gun Devil?"

Y/n was slightly caught off guard by Aki's sudden seriousness. He deduced that something must've happened on that day.

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