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"In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law?

Is it like the hand of God hovering above?
At least it is true that man has no control; even over his own will."



"Let's get out of here and check on the others."

"Y/N YOUR ARM!!??!" She shrieked.

He looked down to see the needles that were previously in his arms were ripped off along with his movement, and was now currently bleeding out.




Y/n and Kobeni currently stood inside Himeno's room, she waved with her one and only hand.

"Himeno." Y/n curtly acknowledged.

"Himeno... I'm glad you are okay..." Kobeni said, some tears streaming down her face as she went for a hug.

"Aww, thank you Kobe! Don't cry, it'll make me feel bad!" She said with a smile on her face, accepting her embrace.

Y/n kept his stoic expression.

"Any other injuries?" He asked.

"Nothin really, if anything everything else just needed a band aid or something... Aside from the whole arm thing." She said, motioning towards her now missing right arm.

As Kobeni wept for her co worker, Y/n couldn't help but wonder.

"What's next for you, Himeno?" He asked, curious with what she plans to do.

"Well... I can't exactly do much now. The Ghost is gone and it ain't like I could do much with one arm... So I'm pretty much out of the game." Her expression suddenly cheered up with a cheeky grin.

"I already talked to Makima, said that they're gonna put me on paid leave indefinitely for my services! Can you believe that!" She said.

"I see..."

"That's... That's good Himeno!" Kobeni said, cheering up herself.

"Ah, wait, I've been talking all about myself, how about you guys?" She said, curious and concerned about their health.

"A-ah, well, I'm fine, thanks for asking..." She said, twiddling her fingers with a small smile.

"And you, my big, burly man?"

"Good enough to walk."

She deadpanned at the man.

"I don't know, all of that doesn't look like something you just walk off..." She said, motioning towards his numerous bandages.

"I'll live."

"Jeez, what are you made of? I don't know how you do it, Y/n..."

"Besides that, we gotta go check on the others, nice to see your alright." Y/n said.

"Aww, Y/n is concerned for me? I would totally get up and kiss you right now if everything didn't hurt.~" she said, making a kissy face at the man.

He couldn't help but softly smile, glad to see that she was alright. That smile didn't go unnoticed by Kobeni as she flushed at seeing it.

Himeno looked between the two and smiles herself.

"Ah, wait, before you leave!"

She stuck her arm out, making a grabbing motion.

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