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And so, Y/n continued on his aimless journey throughout Japan, continuously beating up and robbing anyone trying to rob him. Eventually he took upon exercising to get stronger so he could take care of himself and anyone who dared to cross him.

What he didn't know was the tragedy that would soon come.



It's been around a year since his leave from his former home. It's safe to say Y/n wasn't living his best life. I mean, constantly fighting people, being homeless, and scavenging and stealing food and water would show that. It sucked, but he had to do it. He had to survive.

Currently, Y/n is walking along the street of a small city near Tokyo, minding his own business and ignoring the stares he got as he walked. However, something then caught his eye, something shiny.

He looked to his left and saw the best thing he has ever seen: a large longsword that stood in a small antique shop, gathering dust.

'Damn that thing is cool.'

Clearly Y/n wanted it, so he simply walked in the establishment.

"Ah, good afternoon, child, welcome." An old man spoke. The old man was clearly in his elderly age, wearing some overalls and a sun hat.

"The name's Yasha, what would you like?" Yasha inquired

"That sword." Y/n started, pointing at the large sword.

"That? Really?" The old man was slightly baffled. What would anyone want with a sword that cumbersome? Let alone a teenager?

"Yes." Y/n started with an incredible amount of conviction.

"Well I'd say it would run about 40,000 yen."

This proved to be an issue as Y/n was currently broke as hell. Due to not being exposed to the wonders of consumerism he imagined it wouldn't cost too much.

"Fuck. Uh-"


His musings were interrupted by a robber holding a pistol and wearing a crude mask of a demon. He immediately marched past Y/n on his knees and up to the old man.

"Alright old guy, run your pockets, I don't got time for this!"

Despite the horrible situation, Y/n only sighed in exasperation. He begrudgingly slowly snuck over to the guy.



He then shot at the display of items, to show it was, in fact, real. Unbeknownst to him, however, there was a large threat looming behind him.


The man saw himself falling to the ground, his legs kicked out under him. As he fell back Y/n snatched the gun and pistol whipped it at his head, sending him reeling across the floor.

"You really don't have anything better to do then rob an old guy? God damn your pathetic." Y/n coldly stated as he held him at gunpoint.

"Are you fucking- alright, we can talk this out right- FUCKING GOD DAMN IT!"

Suffice to say Y/n didn't care as he kneecapped the guy with the pistol.

"Get out of here and never come here again!"

The robber pushed himself up with a table and limped out of the establishment, cursing that rivals a sailor in a storm along the way.

"I.. I almost had a heart attack. You just saved me kid... What do you want, whatever you want you can have!"

Yasha soon witnessed the smuggest grin he's ever seen. He already knew what he wanted


"This thing is so fucking cool."

Y/n is currently residing in an alley way he calls his home, a mish mash of newspapers and other trinkets. He practiced swinging the sword. The first time it almost took him off his feet, but after some time he got used to it's weight

 The first time it almost took him off his feet, but after some time he got used to it's weight

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(You can replace Guts with whatever you want him to look like)

He wasn't sure why, but it felt right. Swinging the sword, hearing it whizz by and in the wind. He put together a dummy consistenting a metal drum and a bucket of a head, which had a smiley face drawn by yours truly.



The weapon bounced off of the drum, barely leaving a dent.

"Damn, am I swinging it wrong or something?"

A couple overhead slashes later, there's only a larger dent as a result.

"Hmm let's see... Maybe if I put my hips into it.."

Y/n wound the sword around his body and swung with all his might a horizontal slash.


The drum caved in and was launched into the wall of the alley.

"Holy shit! I guess I just gotta keep working on it. I'm glad I have been working out and shit" he huffed out, referring to his built physique.

It wasn't all the way there, but it was definitely something. He learned about working out from seeing people exercise in a gym once.

"Alright now I need to get some food-"

He felt a sudden chill down his spine.



"Ah, it was probably nothing-"


Explosions rang out in the sky as the nearby buildings were reduced to nothing but rubble. Bodies flew across the sky as houses and buildings were blown away like they were just paper. Smoke and fire filled the sky and Y/n's nostrils.

He was currently lying on the street after being blown away by whatever happened. His leg was impaled by wood and numerous other rocks strikes and struck his body. The rumbling eventually ended as dozens of corpses littered the streets.

"Guh.. what... The hell?" He said, before succumbing to unconsciousness.

The Gun Devil has struck.


Well that concludes this chapter here. This one was fun to write. I hope you enjoyed it whoever you are, constructive criticism is welcomed :)

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