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“Mankind knew that they could not change society, so instead of reflecting on themselves they blamed the beasts.”




No response.

Well, it made sense when she was filled with large, smoking holes. She coughed up blood as she looked at the man above her.


Y/n heard the mocking laughter of the assailant in front of them, slowly walking up towards them with a malevolent grin. He took off the suit he wore, revealing the white shirt underneath, before untying his tie. With a crack of fingers and a twist of his neck, he leers at his opponent.

Prepare yourself, Y/n thought. This will not be easy.

“This might be easier than I thought…”


He looked up at the man, up and down, trying to identify any sort of weak point or weakness in general.

“Give it up,” Hyun commands, letting electricity jump around his fingers. Y/n grimaces, seeing that this is going to be a hard battle. What could he do? He was fast, and had the power to blow holes into him in a second… How can you beat that?

Can he beat that? After all, he is just a human…

But that’s how cowards think!

His face breaks out in a grin, holding his sword tightly as he raises it up.

“Then come and make me, you sorry ass bitch!” Another vein pops on Hyun’s head, his eyes twitching wildly.


And then he disappears. The Black Swordsman immediately looks around, before feeling a spike of electrostatic near his left side. He dives in front of him, just barely dodging a blow.

He flips, not even a second to recover, trying to outrace the opponent's fierce kicks. The issue was, he could barely even see them. Hell, he could barely even see the opponent himself.

It was futile.

Y/n felt his head get blown to the side by a lightning-fast fist, knocking him deep into a building with a crash. He felt odd, and jittery, the remnants of electricity affecting his muscles as he stood up in anticipation of another attack. He runs out, sword drawn in hand as he looks for the now-vanished Hyun.

‘So fast…  My mind can barely register!-’

If you blinked, you definitely would have missed it. He immediately puts his sword up, using the iron to block the strike. It was too fast to parry, so he was forced to block as he was sent flying.

It was like rain, he thought, pattering against his sword. However, said pattering was forceful enough to drive him back.

They were fists, coming at him a mile a minute.

He feels his back light up in pain as he crashes into another building, metallic-tasting fluid flooding his mouth. It was dark inside, rubble clattered around them as Hyun grabbed at his sword with frightening strength. With a hoarse laugh, he tugged at it.

He wasn’t trying to kill him, no. He was trying to slaughter him.

With a yell, he continued to pry it out of his hands, but to no use, the Black Swordsman’s grip was too strong. He fires a fist with his empty hand, only for it to be dodged as Hyun dodges the quick blow, letting go of the sword. In quick reaction, he holds his hand in a flick, aiming it right at Y/n.

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