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"Guh.. what... The hell?" He said, before succumbing to unconsciousness.

The Gun Devil has struck.



Slowly, Y/n woke up in the same place he passed out at. He wasn't out for too long it seems.

"What kind of-" he paused in shock to see the carnage that broke out. He tried standing up, stumbling as he did. His clothes were in tatters and his body had a myriad of cuts, bruises, and scratches. The worst of all was the chunk of wood lodged in his left thigh.

"Ah, shit... What the hell just happened?"

He surveyed the torn landscape around him, he noticed several small circular holes in some of the corpses, similar to bullets.


He almost buckled, due to the pain along with the shock. He felt sweat pouring down his head and his breath growing more and more rapidly. He notices one of the bodies starts to move.

He hobbles his way over and finds that it's a child. Had to be at least 7, but what was most alarming was the bullet hole in the right side of her torso. She slowly gazed up at Y/n.

"Please... Please help my momma... She's hurt!" She gurgled out. Y/n was stunned beyond belief. He looked over to the mother only to find her head practically blown off.

"I... Wh- what's your name?"


"Right don't worry I'll get help-"

She grasps onto his shirt.

"Don't.... Leave me alone... Please." She said almost in a whisper.

"Alright... Don't worry I'm here, but you need help!"

"Thank... You.." it was too late. Her hand lost grip as she slumped to the ground, dead.

'What the fuck..'

'What the fuck?'


He didn't know what to feel or what to think. Whatever just happened has killed so many people. Normally he wouldn't care about the people themselves, but this girl...

This girl asked him to save her mother, instead of herself... What kind of child does that?



2 months later


The head of a Yakuza member flew clean off, joining the rest of his small squad as corpses. 

Y/n heaves a heavy sigh as he palms his grime ridden face. It's been 2 months since that incident, and looking on the recent paper showed that it was a devil's doing. About 58,000 people dead in Japan and around 1.2 million deaths worldwide.

Suffice to say the world has gone to shit. In Japan, the officials began the collection of armed weaponry in hopes of weakening the Gun Devil, or so they say. After the attack, crime and Yakuza ran rampant, thriving in the new found chaos. Meaning, as a wanderer, Y/n has to deal with them.

He looked down on the recently decapitated man with an empty gaze. He simply pulls his dark cloak over his body and moves along.

 He simply pulls his dark cloak over his body and moves along

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