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"In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law?

Is it like the hand of God hovering above?
At least it is true that man has no control; even over his own will."



That one feeling in the back of his mind when he holds it, the feeling that is masked by all the others. It's so disgusting... Vile... Evil... It's like it's slowly bleeding out into his psyche.

But he feels so free as well...

The calm life does not suit him.

It's been a while since he killed something.


Y/n danced with his sword, executing movements no one should with a sword that large. The fluidity of the blade slicing through the air with a loud thwip. He was bored.

He breathed out, his strikes containing incredible precision and power as he sang at the air around him. With one last strike he performed another harsh horizontal slash, the air whipping outwards, making the doors surrounding him creak.

The same child who was on the run, lugging around an antique longsword, so afraid of what life had to bring. The world molded and forged him into a beast of mankind, an undesirable, a monster. Countless heads fell from Y/n's might, the amount of blood spilled to rival a devil itself. It was odd, Y/n thought, that he was still alive. He was afflicted with this curse in his adolescent years, and here he was, standing.

He sighed out as he looked around at the drywall and doors around him. He gripped the blade in his hand tight. He wanted to leave already. He wanted to leave everything.

The thing is, what would he do then?

The curse would never leave him. His dreams continue to haunt him regardless. And some devils always seem to find him, calling for his death. And now the fact that he is tied up in this Public Safety bullshit. What should he do-

That wasn't even a question in Y/n's mind.

He'll follow his own path and do what he must. He must keep living, for the inextinguishable live he lives laughs in the face of all devil kind.

He grinned at the thought of that. He had a feeling things were going to get more daunting from here, and he was ready. He had not choice.

Y/n was shook out of his thoughts when he felt his mark pulse in the direction of the group, thankfully he wasn't too far. He dashed over towards the group, seeing Himeno giving Aki a cigarette.

"That's a kiss! And indirect kiss! No fair!" Denji yelled out in betrayal, must've been about that agreement...

"Shut up." Aki said silencing the boy. He notices the arrival of Y/n.

"Ah, just in time too. I got some bad news..."

"Spill it."

"Remember that devil we killed?"

"You mean the one I killed!?" Power said in clear triumph.

"Yeah, well... It's gotten bigger... A lot bigger..."

Y/n felt the mark pulse as crimson liquid poured out of it. He knew this was it.

The squad looked at the devil, a pulsating mass of flesh. Arms, legs, faces, and other body parts mishapen and disfigured all covered by skin.

The Shadow Of The Sword (Chainsaw Man X Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now