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[The Fury Devil]

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[The Fury Devil]

"After getting sent back to this plane by ◻️◻️◻️◻️◻️◻️◻️◻️, I must see to it that I grow once more!" He seethed out.

"Feed me your rage, struggler! SHOW ME YOUR MIGHT!"

It leaped at him, and in instinct Y/n swung his sword.

The battle has begun.


Sword and claw clashed, creating a sharp grating sound. Y/n feel the force permeating throughout his body, he felt his bones tremble under the force.

'What the hell? This thing is way too strong!'

He quickly ducked under a swing from its large paw, as soon as he did he had to roll away to avoid it's foot.

Y/n bobbed and weaved throughout the countless strikes before being struck dead on the chest. He was sent flying across the land, crashing down harshly. His ribs felt like they were on fire.

"Hah... What the hell...!"

He quickly lunged out of the way of Fury's horns. It crashed into a nearby building. Y/n gained ground, backpedaling for a little bit. He looks to see he's... Gone.


"Hmm, yes, yes! Many would have fallen by now, but you have stayed alive!" Y/n heard behind him. He swiftly turned around.

 He swiftly turned around

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"Show me more!"

They then engaged in a barrage of swings, swipes, and blows. Each ebbing and flowing through each other's attacks, but it was clear who was winning their bout.

Fury's constant strikes rattled his bones, he could feel his body caving in with every hit.


The devil threw his claws at Y/n, shredding through the armor, thankfully his armor took most of the damage, although it didn't leave him unscathed.


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