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"In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law?

Is it like the hand of God hovering above?
At least it is true that man has no control; even over his own will."



He sighed, his mood now torn to shreds by Makima's charm. He walked on to his home, feeling an eerie feeling washing over him, like some one was watching him. He turned around quickly, only to see a rat.

"Hmph." He upped his pace home.

Meanwhile, Makima still walked, her face falling to its regular doll-like facade. She wasn't thinking much, after all, what could a human do against someone of her caliber, despite his own luck?


Y/n heaved a sigh. The birds shipped as he walked over towards the front of a hotel, where a group stood waiting outside. He could already hear the bickering of the two idiots as he came upon them.

He managed to catch what Aki was currently talking about.

"A devil is lurking somewhere inside this hotel, and it's not just any devil either. This piece of the Gun Devils flesh is being pulled towards it. There must be a devil that injected another piece here." He said as the necklace with the piece of flesh reached out to the building.

Y/n remembered well. A day or two ago he took down a devil solo, he wondered why it was a challenge until he defeated it, making it cough up some of the Gun's flesh. Interested, he pocketed it himself.

"You sure the Gun Devil itself ain't here?" Denji asked.

"The larger the chunk, the stronger the pull. This pull is too weak for that."

"I want that! Give it!" Power abruptly yelled out, making Aki give a look like he wants to die. Y/n fought a smile.

"Didn't I tell you two to speak more respectfully."

The two just stated at him before shitting on the poor guy.

"Who would suck up to you if it doesn't get em anything?!"

"Humans are arrogant fools!!"

Aki's only response was pulling out two sticks of gum.

"Hayakawa sir..."


"Better." He said as he handed them the treat to their joy. He looks beside him and notices Y/n standing there, resting bitch face as usual.

"Ah, Y/n. You know what's going on here, right?"

"Yeah. Let's make this quick." He said tersely. It wasn't anything directed at Aki as they have grew on each other, Y/n was still not a trusting man.

Another man with a small scar on the left side of his face spoke up.

"Sir... Can we really trust those two with our backs? As teammates fighting devils with us? Ones a fiend and the other is a street punk... Personally I don't trust them, especially Y/n. He could fly off at anyone at anytime, a monster."

"Y'know I'm right here right-"

"We won't trust them with our backs. When we're out on extermination missions, we'll generally have them take point. If they run away or double cross is for the devil's, we'll kill them. Y/n has proven to be slightly trustworthy, but will receive the same treatment."

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