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Y/n immediately felt something. Something bad.

His body was telling him not to go down there, the thought of more children being here pushed away that thought.

'Fuck it...'

He gulped and opened the basement door.


The door creaked open as he looked down into the dark staircase. Despite Y/n's apprehension, he walked down, his sword ready in hand. With each step the way down darkened, his heart pumping in trepidation. Y/n's mind was all over the place. What could be down here?

The more he went down, the more he experienced the feeling of being trapped, being lured into his death, but he pushed on until he reached the basement. His hand searched for a switch, and thankfully, there was. The room lit up with a dim light bulb. Y/n almost regretted it immediately with what he saw.

Bodies piled up on each other like mounds. Fresh and old blood coated the floor. Limbs scattered about and piles of bones littered the scene. The basement was bigger than he thought.

However what sent his heart racing was the large being in the middle of it. Crouched down with greyish skin, 8 arms attached to it randomly with a non existent mouth, and only one large eye. Its body is bulged with muscle. The thing was covered in blood, looking down Y/n saw the half eaten corpse of... Someone.

This thing was a devil.

Y/n was shook beyond belief, this was his first time seeing a devil. His flight or fight kicked in when he instinctively rolled under the swing of the devil's arm.

'What the hell is this thing? I gotta fight this thing...'

He knew he wouldn't escape with out a fight.

"Youuu, yes you. Where is that mannn, hmm? Does he want the curse to stay on his feeble town?"

The devil cackled out loud.

"Since you are to die here, allow me to introduce myself... I am the Curse devil, and you are my meal today" it said with a small hiss.

 I am the Curse devil, and you are my meal today" it said with a small hiss

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[The Curse Devil]

"D-do you honestly think I'm gonna let you eat me?! Fuck that!"

He had to fight, there was no other way.

"Yes... Fight... Squirm while I eat your pathetic corpse!"

And the battle begins.


Y/n charges at the devil, his sword high in the air as he forcefully swings it down at where the devil was, missing it.

'Damn, this thing is elusive!'

He watched as it circled him before rushing him with it's fists he blocked a few with his sword, but the rest dug into the sides of his torso. Gritting his teeth, he turned the sword sideways, letting it's hands fall to the side as he slams the flat side of the sword onto it's face, stunning it.

Taking his chance, Y/n swiftly swung with an over head slash right over its head. However, the Curse devil managed to dodge, losing three of it's arms in the process.


The devil swung again, Y/n prepared to block it but was struck by a hook crossing his face

'Damn those arms are hard to keep track of!'

He crashed onto the floor and bumped into the basement wall with a dull thud. He heaved as his vision is slightly blurred.

'Alright, his arms... I gotta get rid of his arms, but how?'

'One thing I do know...'

He rushed at the devil.

'Is that I can't let this bastard catch a break!'


Y/n then let's loose a combination of slashes, stabs, and stunning slams with the flat side of the sword. The devil struggled to dodge the flurry of strikes, with the attacks cutting his body and losing two more arms in the process.

"You... BRAT!"

All the sudden it disappeared as Y/n was mid way into an overhead, with the momentum carrying him down.

'Fuck, I'm open!'

The devil reappears and delivers an overpowering kick with it's stub leg thing. Y/n flies across the domain slamming into the wall face first.


He struggled to get up, rolling into his back. The devil appears above him.

"At first I was just going to eat you, but I'm going to make your measly death slow... Slow and painful..."

It's remaining fists rained down on him, bludgeoning Y/n's body. His armor could barely handle the force.

'Is this it... Am I going to die? Against this fuck?"


'No way...'


'Im gonna kill you...'


And so, Y/n released his rage.

Dodging one of the blows to the head as it crashes down to his side, he kicks the devil away from it. He gets up using his sword, blood pouring out of body, a tooth lying on the ground.

"Do... You honestly think... I'm gonna let your sorry ass do me in?"


"Alright then..."

"Try me

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"Try me."


And that's that. I really enjoyed writing this one, the first fight scene I wrote up too. I hope it turned out alright. I'm actually surprised by the reads this is getting, it may be small, but it means a whole lot to me. Anyways, thanks for sticking around, see yah :)

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