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"Who the fuck is afraid of cement?"

The Cement devil appeared to be slightly offended by this.

As Y/n rushed at it, Kizuru exclaimed "How about this, how about you take care of this thing for me? It'll cause some trouble sticking around here!"

Grinning, Y/n replied before taking a swing.

"Sure thing."






A young man's breath can be heard, slowly calming down. If you look closely, the young man is, in fact, Y/n, and he just got done dealing with the Bee devil. Ever since he has been marked, he has been hunted throughout Japan, by all devils alike. Thankfully, they seem to be more lesser devils.

"Damn, that was close, one sting and I would've been done for..."

His eyes pang in exhaustion, his muscles feeling more and more weak.

'How many hours did I sleep this week... 8? 9?' Y/n mirthlessly thought to himself.

Two years of fending for his life against both devil and human alike. Yakuza, gangsters, devils, he couldn't really catch much of a break. It would also seem that he has gained some popularity around Japan as well. Well, as more of an urban myth than anything.

Y/n's body, however, has grown to be muscular and strong for a 17 year old. He grew to a tall 6'2 and an estimated weight of 190 lbs of pure muscle. Suffice to say, Y/n was buff as fuck.

'Time to move on again...'

And so Y/n took to his aimless journey once again.


(Use this if you wanna add some montage music or a mood. Use your imagination with these scenes.)

Y/n is seen hitch hiking on a train, whizzing past through the dense forests as the sun returns to it's slumber under the horizon.

"Hmm, maybe I can catch some rest here..."

Y/n manages to sleep for the first time in a while, peacefully dozing off.

He wakes up after he feels the train has stopped, the sun getting his face.

'Time to go...'

(Pause music. Or keep using it I dont know)


"Fucking die!"

Some time passed as Y/n was currently against the Wool devil.

"Are you... For real? Who the fuck is afraid of wool?"

Perhaps it's those who are afraid of shoddily made, itchy clothes made of wool.

Scary, I know.

"Mph, human, you simply don't understand the magnitude of my power- GYAAAHHHHH!"

Y/n didn't really care and set the thing on fire using one of the matches he... Borrowed from a... Willing Yakuza member.

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