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“Mankind knew that they could not change society, so instead of reflecting on themselves they blamed the beasts.”



He was looking at her. His face was covered in crimson as he stood on the now-dead devil, his eyes piercing her soul.

She didn’t look back.

Y/n stood there, looking at the direction of another feeling he had from his mark. He was chasing down the source of it where he was currently at, but it then split off. He didn’t even notice the other source until the devil was dead.

Something was amiss.

Something was going on.

And god damn it he was going to get to the bottom of it.


“Hiya!” Power stood right in front of an opposing devil, its gnarly teeth covered in foul sinew from its last meal.

“Kill it already,” Y/n mumbled. The two encountered the devil on a patrol. Or rather, Power decided to tag along because “he attracted her prey” or whatever that means. He looks into the morning sun with a lot on his mind. He sits atop a small building, watching the crazy woman have her fun.

His feelings from last night haven’t winded down yet. Something was about to go down, but what? Shaking his head he looks to see Power standing triumphantly over the devil.

“Power. Put more of your hips into your swing. The powers’ lacking.” He criticized, much to her dismay.

“Whaaat!? I was perfect, less-than-average human!” She scoffed, her hands on her hips.

“Right. Still, your instincts are okay, but you need more power for stronger devils than this fodder.” He said, pointing at the corpse. She harshly blew air out of her nose as she pouted.

“Stupid human…”

“Tch…” He decides to let the police take care of it as he jumps down, and walks off in another direction with Power following.

“Attract more, mortal!”

‘Should I kill her?’ deciding not to let his sword fly, he then-


Feelings. Tinglings. Ears and eyes begin to twitch. Something was near, but what? It’s muggy…

He looks around frantically, confusing his fiend ally.

“Have you finally lost it, human? Not surprised, not many can hold their composure-”

“Stay on guard.” He sternly said, making her immediately shut up and look around too.


“Excuse me!” Y/n glances to his side to see a person, a man in a suit who had walked up to them. His short hair rested neatly around the sides of his head as his slanted eyes looked into the man’s soul. That smile…

It looked just like Makima’s.

“You are devil hunters, yes? Thank you for killing that devil over there, almost ran into the cafe where my sister works at!” He says with a slight bow. Y/n stays silent as Power rushes up to him and right into his personal space.

“It was I! You may repay me by groveling at my feet!” She said with a smirk.

Y/n palms her head.

“Eh?” She says as he lifts her with one hand before putting her behind him.

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