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"In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law?

Is it like the hand of God hovering above?
At least it is true that man has no control; even over his own will."



Y/n continues towards his abode, his mind scattered all over the place.

'What the hell was that!? Last time she touched me, none of that shit happened... What was that? Who was speaking to me? What does this have to do with me... And also...

Who was that?'


Y/n was not getting any sleep.

The man sat on his bed, blankly staring at the hunk of metal across from him. Suffice to say, he was truly confused.

'What the hell was that? I never seen anything like that, and why did it take Makima touching me to see that?' He internally mused.

With a breath, he tried to dissect what exactly he saw, he supposed he could focus on what that monster looking thing was.

'What was that thing? It didn't look human in the slightest... It felt more ancient than anything.'

He then glances over towards the top of his right hand.

'And what do you have to do with this?' He thought, questioning the brand.

Y/n wasn't sure how to feel, way too many things were going on. It was odd, in a strange way. Familiar but distant, is what he would describe this feeling as. Makima didn't help whatsoever, he would have to do his best to avoid her.

He lays down on his bed with a small thump, staring at the popcorn ceiling that lay above him.

He groaned out slightly, punching the bridge of his nose in frustration.

'What does this all mean?'


Y/n was stirred from his slight slumber by the aggressive knocking on the door and the sounds of voices. He glanced at the clock to find that is just about 9 o clock in the morning.

"This shit in the morning?"

The knocking kept going on as he strode on towards the door with murderous intent. With a hearty swing, he opened the door to reveal Denji and Power, frozen in place by Y/n's stern glare.


"Yo!" Denji greeted the man jovially in an attempt to unsour Y/n's already soured mood.


"I... Uh... Do you think that... We could work out? Like gym bros?"

"... Why is she here?" Y/n said, gesturing towards the unkept "woman".

"Ho? You shall not question the presence of I, Power!!" Power replied, looking somewhat offended.

"Tch, to be honest this shithead just followed me outta here, and I don't really trust her in the house alone." Denji begrudgingly explained.

The man simply sighed as he asked
"And what the hell is a gym bro?"

"People who work out together! You gotta get me to look at ripped as you dude! Besides, you said you would do it too!"

Y/n dragged his fingers through his hair.

"Damn, I really did, huh?"

Y/n sighed, thinking on it some more before giving his answer.

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