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"In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law?

Is it like the hand of God hovering above?
At least it is true that man has no control; even over his own will."



"Fuck, Y/n you better not!" Himeno yelled out in desperation.

"... See ya."

He jumps down, the air whistling by him as he heaves the sword up, a crazed look on his face as he slams it down onto the devil, making it cry out in agony.

"Eh!? Y/n!? The hell you doing here!? Y'know you can't just regrow shit like me!" Denji said in disbelief as he continued trying to slash through the devil's overwhelming blows.

"Did you really think I'd let that stop me?" Y/n replied with a blood thirsty grin.

"Besides... I haven't been able to let loose in a while!"



Y/n and Denji were currently duking it out with the devil as it bellowed out in pain. It proved to be quite the challenge with it's expansive body.

"GAH!" Denji screamed out after getting bit into by the thing. His chainsaws retracted die to the loss of blood

"You lose, Chainsaw!!"

Denji, using his brain for once, bites into the flesh of the devil, using its blood to reenergize himself.

"Even blood as gross as sewer water would taste like strawberry jam if I drank it while seeing your face all twisted in pain!!!"


Y/n, however...


He wasn't like Denji for he is only a human.

"You wretch! You amuse me, don't you know you'll die like all the rest of those insignificant fodder?"

Blood oozed out of his body, trying to tank the hits, however...



The speed of his sword never slowed down, if anything it increased. Y/n cut through it's flesh like a hot knife through butter, twisted, bloody sinew splattering about.

"...fool! Then die like the scum you are, cursed one!!"

The devil was straining to keep the two of him, each strike creating pain throughout its body.

Y/n wasnt exactly thinking, per se. Not like he has a chance to anyway. It was all pure instinct, like a cornered lion. You see at some point he should slow down, either due to blood loss, or damage to his limbs or head. He doesn't have any regenerative properties at all. Going down into the devil's domain would've been crazy, suicidal even.

That is what scares them. How can someone who has been cursed still right with such ferocity. Any human would've died by now, never to be heard from again, so why? How? To throw oneself into the flames is mad, especially when their so fragile.

The Shadow Of The Sword (Chainsaw Man X Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now