Ambush 2

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"In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law?

Is it like the hand of God hovering above?
At least it is true that man has no control; even over his own will."



"Y/n stand down, that could've hit an artery-"

"Shut up."

He quickly strode over towards one of the floorboards knocking his feet around on the board for a bit until he heard a hollow spot, before plunging his hand through the hard wood, revealing in his hand his blade. He glared at the hybrid with unadulterated menace

"... Let's go." He said, before charging into battle.


A 4v1 put him at severe disadvantage.

The Katana Man watched as they approached with with rising concern.

"Damn it... ARE YOU JUST GONNA SIT AROUND??" He yelled out in the air. Y/n felt the hair stand on his neck before he swiftly stopped his feet, pulling up his sword to stop a lethal slash from above.

'Its that guy from before?'

The man didn't say anything, but Y/n's mark told him that he wasn't human.

A fiend.

The fiend kicked off from the blade, flipping backwards through the air before landing.

"Your fight is with me." It said holding out it's blade in front of him.

"I am known as the Samurai Devil... And I have come to take your life."

[The Samurai Devil]

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[The Samurai Devil]

"Did you have to introduce yourself?" Y/n sternly asked.

"I feel that it is proper."

"Sure, like devils are proper."

"How amusing, a human refuting their superior."

"I wonder how superior you will be after I take your damn head off."

"You won't even be able to get close to me."

"It's not like I need to."

"Enough, you're stalling your death."

"And you aren't with your little introduction? You're the one being controlled by the Gun. Like a dog on a leash!"

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