The Way Out

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He gave him the pay, which is about 4,000 yen. Y/n went back on his way to his shitty ass house. His shoulder pounded in pain and his mind was tired beyond belief. The bags under his eyes showed his exhaustion as he lumbered to his home.

However, he was puzzled when the door was left open...

(Note: trust me I'm this isn't some abused male reader x every woman under the sun bullshit don't leave pls 😭)


Y/n cautiously opened the door, what made it more unnerving was that he didn't hear anything.

Not a single sound.

Normally he'd hear the yelling and screeching of his parents. What could it be?  A devil? Loan sharks? Or worse...
The IRS.

'What the hell- oh.'

What Y/n had just seen is his mother and father lying on the floor. That and the syringes near them and the pricks of blood on their arms told what happened.

Being the 13 year old boy he was, he slightly nudged his father's body.





"You there?"




He didn't wake up. He checked on his mother and resulted in the same response.

"Huh, I guess it did work"

You see, what he did prior to the whole police thing, was lace the usual drugs they take with a dangerous amount of fentanyl (please don't use this stuff), which resulted in respiratory failure. He was able to do so after his parents drank themselves into a drunken slumber, and they just used it.

Y/n trembled. He just killed his own parents. He knew what he did, but it still hurt. His mind soon caved into itself as the weight of everything he has been through and has done comes down onto him. He falls to his knees as he continues trembling.

"He... Haha... HAHAHAHA."

He laughed.

Even so, Y/n rejoiced. Despite those being his parents, he could never remember a single moment of happiness with them, only pain and misery.

And so, Y/n continued laughing into the night.


Y/n soon awoke from his first long sleep in a while. He rose from his rickety bed and relished in the piece and quiet. Last night he disposed of the bodies by dumping them in the current of the river. No one will miss them. Before he did so he searched both their pockets to come up on a wallet with about 15,200 yen. He only kept that since everything else wasn't needed. And now he was left with one question.

What now?

One thing for sure, he knew, was that he needed to leave this place. And so he did. He left the house and walked. Where did he walk? Even he didn't know, just anywhere away from that wretched place.


"I said cough that shit up!"

It has been about 3 weeks since Y/n has left, and right now he was getting washed by a random thug in a conveniently dark alley way.

"Come on give it to me!" The thug repeatedly punched Y/n's head holding him by the collar of his torn shirt

"Grk.. R-..."

"Whatchu trynna say, huh?!"

"Rot *huff* in hell, you stupid bit-"

Unfortunately for this guy, he ain't some op male reader, so he got his ass beat up again. However Y/n noticed something, when he punched there was an opening on his right side, so he took it.

With speed, Y/n threw the hardest left hook he could throw, unknowingly hitting the man's liver. The man immediately buckled falling to his knees with a large grimace.

"Gah.. what... The shit was that you-"

He didn't get a chance to finish before Y/n started pummeling his face and body.

"Alright! Ok ok I'm sorry, fuck."

However, due to his already shitty mood, Y/n knocked the man out with another blow to the head. With the adrenaline cooling off, he took the man's... Clothes. What else could he do with the rags he had? Besides he liked the jacket, it'll do for now. He rustled around the poor guy's pockets and found his wallet, containing a good sum of yen. Satisfied, Y/n dumped his body in the nearby dumpster.

'He'll be fine.'

And so, Y/n continued on his aimless journey throughout Japan, continuously beating up and robbing anyone trying to rob him. Eventually he took upon exercising to get stronger so he could take care of himself and anyone who dared to cross him.

What he didn't know was the tragedy that would soon come.


And that's chapter 2, I hope that you have been enjoying this so far, if there's anyone even there. Don't forget to vote or like or something. Buh bye :)

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