Missing Heart- Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

    Marcus held Diana tight as her parents watched from their car. He didn’t want to let her go. He wanted to scoop her up right now and just run her to his room and lock the door. He was to keep her there with him forever.

    He was having a bad feeling about letting her go. Like he will never see her again. That this was the last time he will see her beautiful face with those sweet rosy cheeks. Those delicate subtle glances up at him when they were eating in the dining hall. The sound of her musical giggles and laughs that she did so much around him. He couldn’t bare to be without them.

    “Write to me everyday.” He whispered softly in her ear when his father placed a hand on his shoulder. He squeezed her just the briefest bit tighter in response. He knew not to hold too tight or she wouldn’t be able to breathe.

    “You too. It will be my life line.” She whispered back to him. They were trying to be strong for the other. They knew they couldn’t stop this from happening. They tried for the past few days, but just got sent to his room as punishment. Their parents dared not separate them for the pending separation and that they would just find a way to sneak to each other anyways.

    Marcus finally let go of Diana and she did the same. Diana’s parents came to either side of her and guided her to the car. She looked one last time to Marcus before getting into the car.

    She sat next to the window and waved to Marcus as the car pulled away and left the mansion and her best friend. She stuck her head out when the car turned down the drive and picked up speed. She saw Marcus running after the car just to see her as long as he could.

    Finally he had to slow down and just let her go. He didn’t want to. He wanted to run after the car the whole way to her new home. But his father’s command that he couldn’t rang through his head. He hated that his father’s commands when they had authority back behind them. No one could refuse and Vampyre High Lord when they command like that.

    Marcus sank down in the grass beside the road before the gate to the mansion when he couldn’t see the car that held his one and only. His heart was squeezing under the pressure of her being taken away from him. A single tear fell as he sat there with the light on a lantern illuminating the ground around him.

    The clouds in the sky gave form to his feelings. Those dark dreary clouds that just wanted to open up and drench everything in sight. That was how he felt. He wanted everything to be darkened and cold just as he felt without his Diana.

    After a few minutes the clouds did just that. One second there was no rain and then it was a sudden down pour. Sight was hard with how thick the rain fell from the sky. He liked it. It matched him so perfectly.

    He could hear a few people running in his direction, but he didn’t care. He didn’t even care when they shouted his name. He just stayed with his eyes glued on the spot he last saw her car. The last time he had saw her blonde locks blown back as a part of her wanted to reach toward him as she was taken from him.

    The people stopped over him as the rain no longer touched him. He saw it but something blocked the drops from landing on him. He didn’t care though. He was brilliantly drench head to toe with their cold wet selves. He was coated in their most delicious bitterness.

    “Lord Marcus. Lets get you inside and warmed up.” He knew her voice but didn’t care to speak. He didn’t want to break down in front of the help.

    His handmaid helped him to his feet while the household butler held a giant umbrella over all of them. They walked slowly back to the mansion as Marcus was dragging his feet the whole way.

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