Missing Heart- Chapter Thirty-Two

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Chapter Thirty-two

    Diana groggily opened her eyes when the door opened. Marcus smiled at her with a tray in his hands. She sighed a bit dejected when the doctor was right on his heels. She had thought fleetingly that Marcus would come back alone for her, but she guess the doctor wanted to look over her now that she had awoken.

    “I wish to take a blood sample before you give her anything my lord. We need to see if her nutrient levels are where they should be.”

    Marcus sighed frustrated at being delayed with feeding his beloved by the doctor. “Alright, but please be quick about it. Her stomach has been protesting admittedly.”

    The doctor nodded his head and looked over Diana quickly before he drew her blood. Marcus held her hand after she turned away not wanting to watch. She even clenched his hand when the doctor put the needle in and extracted her blood.

    Withdrawing the tube from her arm, the doctor bowed to both and left them to their peace. Marcus helped his beloved to sit up. He frowned internally to see how drained she was. She was still battling the illness and weakness.

    Diana laid weakly against the pile of pillows behind her as he moved the tray to lay across her lap. She tried bravely to spoon some of the soup he had brought her. He shook his head at her before taking the spoon from her and feeding her himself. She gave him a thank you grin before she ate the first spoon full.

    Too soon for her, she had to push the spoon away from her feeling full. He understood that her stomach could only take so much at a time right now. He set the tray on the dinning table then returned to her.

    Marcus sighed soulfully when he saw her eyes drooping. He leaned over and kissed her forehead. “Sleep more. Your body must need it love.”

    “But I’ve...already slept...so...much...” She tried to protest sleeping more, but her body wouldn’t allow her to protest very long.

    He chuckled looking at her try to stay awake when her body wouldn’t. “Shh... Just sleep. I’ll work on my new project. It might even be mostly done by the time you wake. I’m sure Duke Shaw has already been engrossed by the whole programming aspect of it.”

    She smiled sleepily. “He’s that bad?”

    He laughed. “Worse than me. He tends to not sleep for days if he comes across a problem. He’s always determined to solve it.” She huffed a laugh as sleep took hold.

    After Diana finally drifted to sleep, Marcus rose from her bedside before giving her another kiss on her forehead. He was glad she woke so he knew she was really getting better. He had been so worried that she would be asleep for weeks and might worsen. Now he felt better. She had even played with him before he got her something to eat.

    He took two steps when there was a knock on their bedroom door. He opened the door slowly and then opened it fully. “Your majesty. She just went back to sleep.”

    His highness smiled as he came in. “It is a relief that she woke. I see she has eaten something.” His majesty had saw the tray on the table and heard from one of the lords that were in the hall. They were just as happy with the news as he was of her waking.

    “Aye my lord. The doctor has also examined her.”

    “How was she when she woke?”

    “Confused. I had to calm her when she found out she had been sick for a few days.”

    His majesty nodded. “That was to be expected. To fall asleep and wake days later, she must have been beyond confused and shaken.”

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