Missing Heart- Chapter Thirty-Four

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Chapter Thirty-four

    Marcus wouldn’t let Diana do much for the next two days. He could see that she was still weak. Her body was trying to finish recovering from her illness. One thing he was glad about was she don’t looked stressed any longer.

    Though today he was letting her walk around on her own, with a little assistance. He held tightly to her waist as she did the same thing but not nearly as strong. They walked into the living room of their suite. He wanted to show her all the flowers.

    “Oh MY...!” Diana exclaimed as she saw all the flowers. “All these are for me?”

    “Yes they are all for you. Do you think they would dare give me flowers? I was colder that ice before.” Marcus tried but couldn’t manage his indifferent face. He just broke out in smiles at the sound of her giggles. “And there is more. The nobles have been sending more than just flowers for you.”

    “They don’t need to send me anything.” She smiled up at Marcus. “I have everything I want. You is all I need.”

    He smiled down at her and brushed a curl away. “And all I need is you.” He cupped her cheek and kissed her delicately. He knew she was getting stronger, but she needed more time to mend.

    The two separated when there was a knock on the main door. Marcus cleared off a spot on the couch and set her down. She smiled as she pulled one of the bouquets and smelled the delicious aroma of orchids and lilies.

    Marcus opened the door and bowed. His majesty has made it a point of seeing Diana each day. He was making it a point to see her for himself and to present at least one item to her each day from the nobles.

    Today his highness had a locket from Lord Manier. Though you couldn’t open it because it was sealed shut. The locket was special. The smallest tracking device was inside in case of emergencies. The casing of the locket was white gold with beautiful amethyst gemstones in the shape of a tiny wildflower.

    Lord Manier was head of a very successful security company and felt that this gift was necessary. He thought it would be appropriate as a bit of a joke really. If ever she was in trouble, she could activate the device by pressing on the flower. He would know she needed help and could be easily located. He didn’t want her to lose anytime again. She had just gotten back to them.

    The King entered the guest suite and Diana smiled brightly. “I see you’re out of bed. That is wonderful.” He beamed at her as he came over and bent down to give her a hug and kiss on her cheek.

    “Marcus helped me walk out here and I couldn’t believe all the flowers.” She looked around at the collection again in awe.

    “I have requested them not to send so many. Don’t want to overpower you so much.” He picked up a few bouquets and set them aside. “This is quite a lot. But I don’t blame them. They too are overjoyed at your triumphant return to us. Some have even said that you are divine. Only three have questioned your identity.”

    “Let me guess your grace. Lord Barrette being one of them? Lady Gwenith’s father.”

    The King nodded to both Diana and Marcus. “That is correct. He was furious with her arrest and appalled to find out what she had done.”

    “Have you dealt...”

    “Um... I suggest you two not discuss that topic please.” Diana had her head down and brushed the pedals if the delicate orchid in her bouquet. She wasn’t ready for that kind of discussion yet. Though she was better, the doctor said that she wasn’t perfectly back in balance at the moment.

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