Missing Heart- Chapter Forty-Two

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Chapter Forty-two

    Diana’s whole body was sore when she woke. She stretched and then she felt a hand grace her outstretched arm. She looked over and smiled seeing Marcus. She felt joy fill her as she shocked him by suddenly laying on top of him. He laughed after the shock wore of.

    “Feeling better I take it?” He commented as he held onto her waist. This is where she belonged forever.

    “I’m still sore and a little drained, but much better. So much better right here.” She nuzzled into his bare chest. Her sense of touch had become more sensitive. She used it to feel all over his body.

    “Having fun?” She looked up at see him smiling down at her with an eyebrow raised. She loved how sexy that was. His eyes shining with love and him looking so delighted at seeing her. She felt so right with him.

    “I can feel so much more now.” She raised up and brushed her lips against his. He shivered at the delicate touch. She grinned as she kissed him lightly.

    He moaned as he flipped them and kissed her more. After a little while of just kissing, he rose up. He caressed her hair and looked in her eyes. “There is something that I should return to you.” He whispered delicately with so much love that she felt herself melting even more into him.

    He reached over to the side table and picked up her engagement ring. He had placed it there last night when they returned. “Will you still become my wife?” He asked as he held up the ring.

    She smiled and nodded. “I would want nothing more than that in all the world.” He kissed her joyfully as he slipped the ring back on her finger.

    Suddenly her throat burned as if a red-hot poker was thrusted into it. Her eyes snapped opened and she pushed him away. She rolled to her side and clenched her hand over her throat. She didn’t want to feed on him. Not like this.

    At first he was hurt, but then Marcus saw her holding her neck. He moved to her and lifted her up. He laid her across his lap as he sat back against the headboard of the bed. He stroked her hair as he tried to nudge her head up.

    He sighed after a few minutes without her looking up at him. “It’s alright love. You’ll be fine if you drink from me. His majesty told me it will be a few days before your thirsty become regular and drinking vampyre blood now won’t harm you. Your body is set now.”

    That was some of the issues he discussed with his highness. He was alright with drinking bagged blood, but she needed to take from a living being. He would rather be her donor than have someone else have to sate her. He could take her draining him dry. A human and a made vampyre couldn’t. It had to be a born vampyre that could handle such a thing. One of the many reasons they were so praised in their world.

    Diana looked up. “But I don’t want to hurt you.”

    He smiled warily at that. He could see that her eyes had shifted. Blue turned red and the purple darkened like at the warehouse. That must be what happens when she is thirsty. “You won’t. Though I would be hurt if you refuse to drink from me.” He pouted to her a bit playfully.

    Her eyes softened as her eyes slid to his neck and saw the vein pulsing steadily. She could feel the blood rushing through his veins where her fingers rested on his chest. Could smell the sweet scent of his blood through his skin. It was sweeter than any ambrosia she had ever smelt. Could hear the pounding as his heart pushed the blood through his veins. The sound of life from another.

    He pulled her closer bridging the gap between them. He felt her hand raise up from his shoulder slowly to cup the opposite side of his neck. He found it so arousing. Her movements were sparking so much in him. His pulse quickened as she moved with the tiniest movements that seemed to heighten what she was about to do. The anticipation of her bite and to feel it himself.

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