Missing Heart- Chapter Twenty

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Chapter Twenty

    Marcus and Mare snapped their heads to the door to see both of Marcus’ friends standing there wide eyed at them with their jaws hanging open. The door behind them wide open and servants were in awe at what they had just seen. Never in their life would they think Lord VonChante would be kissing anyone.

    Mare’s face went instantly bright red. Marcus moved to shield her from his friend’s shocked looks and gawking. He didn’t know how to explain what they had just seen without revealing who she was.

    In Duke Shaw’s mind things were slowly clicking into place. Ten years, click. They look alike, click. Lord Marcus’ sudden change when he found out who she was, click. Lord Marcus was kissing her, CLICK!!!!!

    Understanding flashed in his mind. “OH... MY... GOD!!!” Duke Shaw stepped forward looking at Mare. How did he not see it before? True he only met Lady Diana once when he was ten, but still. He still should have seen it before Lord Marcus.

    Marcus eyes grew wide when he watched Shaw walk over kneel before them both. He reached over and took her hand kissing it like a gentleman. Marcus narrowed his eyes at his friend. Jealousy gripping him. A new feeling for Marcus.

    “You have done wonders on him my lady.” Shaw said placing another kiss on her hand.

    Mare felt at odds with herself. She hid slightly behind Lord Marcus feeling shy. She also felt that being called my lady which has felt strange since the beginning. Like part of a dream. A dream from her blurred friend.

    “Please Duke Shaw. Space.” Marcus whispered with a hiss to his friend. Shaw nodded and rose still looking at Mare. “Shaw!” Marcus hissed making the Duke look at him. Marcus gave a questioning look. Shaw nodded that he knew. Marcus chuckled making Mare look up at him in question.

    Marcus looked down at Mare. “Are you thirsty my dear?” Mare timidly nodded to him. Marcus kissed her forehead. “I’ll be right back. Stay here please.” She nodded that she would.

    Marcus rose and grabbed Shaw’s collar towing his out of the study and signaling for Notre to follow. Marcus smiled to Mare as he closed the doors. Marcus led his friends to the parlor across the hall from the study.

    “Now you understand, do you Shaw?” Marcus asked as he poured a glass of wine at the bar in the parlor.  He reached across the cutting board and withdrew a small bar knife.

    “I do but how is it possible? The investigation?” Marcus cut his finger and let several drops fall into the red glass goblet.

    “You know who she is?” Notre asked Shaw surprised. Shaw just nodded watching Lord Marcus the whole time. Marcus swirled the wine and blood together letting them blend till they were one.

    “It must not get out just yet you know.” Marcus insisted.

    “Oh I understand completely. Our world isn’t ready just yet.” Shaw agreed with his hands raised and shaking his head still in disbelief.

    “Will someone tell me?!” Notre crossed his arms hating that they both knew and not him. He hated to be the last to know anything. Sometimes he wondered if they were speaking telepathically as they always seem to know what the other is thinking at times.

    Marcus and Shaw grinned at each other before looking at their friend. Both holding a knowing look in their eyes. “Tell me Notre. Why did Shaw choose her for me?”

    “Because she looks so much like Lady Diana.”

    “And whom did I say would be the only woman I would ever kiss?”

    “Lady Dian..nah...” Notre looked at Marcus as his eyes narrowed. Then click, it all came together. His eyes growing wide. “That’s impossible!” He shrieked raising his hands at the two in disbelief. “You two have gone mad to believe that.”

    “Well. You will see that she is my beloved soon enough.” Marcus raised Mare glass to his friend before he grabbed his own and exited the parlor. His friends followed him to the study.

    Marcus smiled that Mare looked comfortable sitting at the corner of the couch with her feet tucked beside her and her shoes on the floor in front of her. Her hands rested holding the book in her lap. She looked uncertain if she should open it or not. Like she was afraid he’ll get mad at her again.

    “My dear, you can read it if it pleases you to. I will not take it from you again.” He smiled at her as he drew near. Mare blushed when he presented her her drink. She took it and sipped it. She bit her lip to stop herself from moaning at the taste of the wine. She drank more of the wine taking tiny sips at a time.

    The men sat down and talked about garrulous things. Marcus sat next to Mare as she did reluctantly open the book and started to read while they conversed. The Duke and Count sat on the leather couch across from the two.

    After a while of reading, Mare became drowsy from the wine and the men’s talking. She wasn’t used to wine and Marcus had poured her three glasses of it that Shaw had carried in when the men returned with drinks.

    As Mare’s hand fell holding the book, Marcus looked over at her and realized how late the night had gotten. His friends had asked to stay for sometime as they had business that needed to be discussed. Marcus thought they just wanted to stay to see her and know her.

    Marcus sighed. “I should get her to bed. She woke several times last daylight.” He moved the book from her hands and set it on the table. Gently he lifted her up from the couch and rose too. The Duke and Count both bowed to them smiling as Lord Marcus took her out of the study.

    Half way up the stairs, Mare stirred. “Oh I’m sorry for drifting my lord.”

    “Shh. You’re tired. I’m just taking you to your room.”

    Her eyes started to slid closed again feeling so safe. “Can’t I sleep with you?” Though she was uncertain before, she found herself very safe with him.

    Marcus wanted to shout with victory. His heart soared so high at her sleepy question. He couldn’t stop the smile that spread across his face. Servants he passed stood wide eyed at him. That was the first time they had seen him actually smile.

    At his door, Marcus turned to a maid who was trying to scurry away but stopped and bowed when he turned. “Bring a nightgown from Lady Mare’s room for her. She is staying in my room this day.” She bowed and hurried away and into Mare’s room without a backwards glance.

    After Marcus got Mare changed into her nightgown, he changed too. He smiled at himself for wearing the black silk lounge pants and nothing else. He felt devilish as he slid between the sheets and snuggled up to his beloved. She too moved into a more comfortable position to his side.

    Marcus closed his eyes at the bliss he felt. He had sent a letter with the maid when she presented Mare clothes to him. The letter was informing the good doctor that he did indeed start his treatment this evening. In two more nights, they will have to return to the hospital to see the progress if it could be seen.

    Marcus kissed Mare’s forehead before he drifted himself thinking of her. How it will be when she knows herself and that he was there. There for her forever more. He would be there for her beck and call. To comfort her when she realizes that her parents were dead. To love her if she would still have him. To hopefully say yes when he proposes to her when he feels she was ready for him. And eventually make her the happiest wife history had ever seen.

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