Missing Heart- Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven

    Marcus thrashed in his sleep. His dreams were of Diana and Mare. They were switching back and forth in his mind. The taste of Mare’s blood lingered in his mouth. He couldn’t help how it made him feel.

    Marcus shot up and breathed heavy. He looked down at his crouch and found that he was harder than a rock. The taste of that woman’s blood aroused him even through his memory. He cursed under his breathe at his body’s reaction to her.

    Marcus sat there in the middle of his bed and tried to jerk himself off to ease the pain she caused in him. But after ten long agonizing minutes he gave up. He threw back his covers and slipped into a silk robe making sure no one saw his erection. He needed relief and he had a woman that is meant for that.

    Guards bowed in the softly lift corridor that led to Mare’s room. Every step to her room, Marcus was cursing himself for giving in to this need. The desire for relief in the woman he had told himself he would never take mere hours ago. But his body was demanding this of himself.

    Marcus reached her room and ripped the halo transmitter band from the guard’s hand without asking for it. He didn’t want to speak at all because of his frustration. His guards didn’t deserve any words spoken in anger.

    He entered her room and closed the door behind him softer than he thought he would. Like he didn’t want to wake her. He shook those thoughts from his head and put the band on.

    Marcus walked over to her bed feeling the mission he was on. As he rounded the side of her bed, he smelt her arousal and saw her mouth slightly opened with little pants. He smiled darkly at this.

    He crawled into the bed with her. His hand going to her soft belly which make her moan softly without waking. His hand slid lower as he watched her become more aroused and this gave him more satisfaction. She was just as aroused by her dream as his made him.

    He saw her eyes flutter about to open. “Remain asleep for now.” He commanded her with a whisper and she did. His hand felt slick and warm as he found her entrance. She was so ready for him that he didn’t need to do anything to prepare her.

    His next movement shock him but he didn’t care. He tasted her on his fingers and he liked it. He pulled her covers away from her body and started to lick and taste down her body. He wanted to taste first hand her nectar from the source.

    He inhaled deeply of her before he started his torment of her. It was like he couldn’t get enough of her taste as he spread her legs wider and delved his tongue deeper into her. He was licking and caressing with such a frenzy that he felt he had gone mad or drunk with her.

    He savored the moment she came as she moaned in her forced continued sleep. He loved how the taste became sweeter than before, even creamier. When he found he had taken all, he rose up to linger over her.


    He saw her breath deeply as he watched her eyes closely. The moment her eyes opened they locked onto his. They just laid there staring at each other.

    “Will you be open for me?” He wasn’t planning on asking permission. It just happened.

    She looked almost like she was in a trance as she answered. “Yes.” Her soft answer nearly came as a beg from her lips. Was she dreaming about him? Why did that matter to him? She was his property and he had every right to take her against her will.

    He opened his robe sliding it from his body and moved closer to her until he felt her entrance. He started slow and steady as he entered her. She made the smallest gasp still looking in his eyes as she felt herself stretch around his well endowed self. They were both panting in tandem with every slow inch he made within her.

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