Missing Heart- Chapter Thirty-One

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Chapter Thirty-one

    The next evening, Marcus woke to Diana laying underneath of him. He smiled as he leaned the small distance in to kiss her temple. He jerked back in surprise when his lips came in contact with damp skin.

    He rose and loomed over her. Her skin glistened with sweat that beaded all over her forehead and chest. He placed a hand on her forehead and jerked it away. She was burning up hot. She was sick, very sick.

    Marcus tapped her cheek lightly. “Diana.” He tapped again. “Wake up love!” He saw the bottom of her eye lids flutter just the tiniest amount for a few second, but they didn’t open. She was just too exhausted to wake fully.

    He threw the sheets from him and went to pull some lounge pants on before he found a simple cotton gown to dress his beloved in. He worked quickly to help her sit up and had the gown on her in seconds.

    After Marcus made sure his love was covered and comfortable, he ran to the door to commanded one of his guards to get the doctor immediately. To tell the doctor that Lady Diana was sick. The guard blurred away in great haste after he heard why the doctor was needed.

    Marcus didn’t stand there to watch the guard leave. He dashed just as fast back, but detoured to the bathroom to grab a bowl that was filled with fresh flowers. He emptied it and filled it with cool water. He returned to Diana’s side with a cloth in hand and the bowl of water.

    He sat beside her and started to cool her off. He could hear her breathing. It was shallow, quick pants against the heat of her body. He could also feel her pulse where his free hand rested on her wrist. It was racing faster than normal.

    The doctor came rushing in and immediate went into examining Lady Diana. He had his assistant to move Lord VonChante out of the room to give the doctor room to work. Lord VonChante couldn’t sit still out in the suite’s living room as he waited. He paced back and forth. All he wanted to do is stay by his beloved’s side.

    The King walked in still wearing his sleepwear with his lounge coat loosely tied. “Why was the doctor called?”

    Marcus stopped pacing and slumped down into a winged chair. He put his head in his hands. “I don’t know what’s wrong. I woke up and she was burning up. I tried to wake her up, but she couldn’t wake.”

    His highness’ shoulders fell. His treasure was seriously sick. Her fiancee was sitting here before him in barely together pieces. His majesty took a seat on the couch near Lord VonChante. He put a hand on VonChante’s shoulder. “She will be fine. I assume the doctor is with her at the moment.”

    Marcus nodded. “I sent for him the moment I knew something was wrong with her.”

    They waited for the doctor to finish his examination of Diana. Both sitting there in silence refusing anything when offered. They were beyond worried. They didn’t even notice anything wrong with her last night. How could she have gotten so sick so quickly without any signs?

    The doctor finally came out and swallowed seeing the King before him. He bowed first to the King and then to Lord VonChante. It was only protocol after all.

    “Tell us how she is, doctor.” The King demanded anxiously wanting to know any news of his beloved treasure.

    “She will be fine in time.”

    Marcus let his head fall back as he closed his eyes. “Thank heavens.” He breathed as he felt relief.

    “You said in time. How much time?” The King had picked up on the way the doctor answered.

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