Missing Heart- Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter Sixteen

    The next evening Marcus woke even more happy than before. He didn’t know the body could hold so much. He believed that his heart was making up for all the years it had been absent. He didn’t mind. Let him feel heavenly for the rest of his life. All he wishes is to have his Diana be with him now that he knows she is alive.

    He walked with his straight and empty face to her room. When he entered, he found her bed empty. He glanced around her room and saw her bathroom door closed. She was bathing. He was delighted she was feeling better.

    He turned to walked back out when he heard something slid and a soft thud followed by a grunt and hiss. He moved quickly to the bathroom door and opened them. There next to the tub, Mare had herself propped up rubbing her arm with her legs curled underneath herself. Her back fully revealed to him.

    His eyes were wide seeing her scars. The doctor told him about them, but he never imagined they were that bad. He could only guess to how long she was in pain because of those burns.

    Marcus found himself moving toward her. Mare made no move say for the wrapping of her arms around her chest. He knelt down and touched her back. She flinch just slightly at his touch. He touched more and found her leaning into his touch. Like it was soothing her.

    “Please my lord. Th-they...they are hideous.” Mare had to swallow against the lump in her throat at his touches.

    “They have their own beauty.” Marcus leaned down and kissed her scar near her spine. Mare gasped at the sensual feel of his kiss. He kissed again causing her to grip the edge of the bathtub.

    Marcus started to kiss up her spine as he smelled her arousal in the air. It was intoxicating to him. His hands had minds of their own as they moved around to cup her breasts as he kissed her shoulder. She moaned as he massaged her beasts in his large yet gentle hands.

    Though Mare was scared of the changes that Lord...Marcus showed her yesterday, she couldn’t deny the feeling she keeps getting when he was near. He felt safe and secure. He felt loving even when he was cold and unfeeling. The way he touched her when he finally saw her back. The way his lips felt on her back. His words that her scars were beautiful touched her. She couldn’t deny that everything he was doing was arousing her beyond what she thought she could handle.

    But she had been raped. Only because he wasn’t here. Let him in again. Let him erase the pain of that day. A voice that sounded like hers whispered through her mind. She was a little startled, but it oddly gave her some strength.

    Mare had always trusted that voice when it surfaced. It guided her everywhere leading her and guiding her. It saved her from many things. Being here, this was the first time it showed up. It had been feeling distant yet close. Like it was its own creature or being. She had felt a little lost without it but knew there was a purpose to it.

    Mare started to shift and turn to Marcus, but had to gasp and clench the tub. Her hip ached and throbbed with pain. She must have hit it when she slipped.

    Marcus immediately stopped when he heard her painful gasp. He took in how ridged she was and knew she was in pain. He grabbed a towel from near them and pulled it around her. He turned her and sat back so she laid across his lap. Her hand went to her hip.

    “You’re hurt.”

    “I didn’t realize I fell that hard.”

    Marcus lifted her up and set her on the tile ledge next to the tub making sure that her towel was under her. He waited till she was balanced before he lifted the towel. He clenched his teeth at the sizable bruise developing down the side of her right hip and thigh. Her right forearm was bruised too.

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