Missing Heart- Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter Fourteen

    Mare groaned and then felt movement on her bed. Derrick must have slept with her again though he hadn’t since Lord VonChante had returned. She had understood as she was only Lord VonChante’s property.

    She jolted snapping her eyes open at a hand caressing her cheek. Derrick never does that. It felt more romantic than anything Derrick would possibly do as he doesn’t see her as a sex object. She was his friend and he hers.

    Her eyes grew wide when she saw Lord VonChante in her bed. But her gawking halted when her head exploded in pain. She whimpered not wanting to upset him. To her shock, he scooted closer to her and held her while she was in pain. He even stroked her hair trying to ease her. There was gentleness in his touch.

    Slowly her pain receded and she found herself sobbing as he held her. Why? Why was he being so gentle with her? She was confused, but she felt he was genuine in his actions. That there was nothing to fear.

    He felt warm to her and found it too easy to be lost. His elegant masculine scent was pleasing to her senses. This was the first time she ever had to opportunity to be this close with him. He was all around her in a caring way.   

    Mare sigh internally before placing her hands flatly on his chest feeling his strong muscles and pushed. She didn’t have much strength but he understood and moved away from her. Though he moved, he refused to stop touching her. He knew she wasn’t going anywhere, but he couldn’t help it. He felt she was going to vanish if they stopped touching.

    Mare turned away from Lord VonChante because she didn’t want to see what he really looked like. Was he doing this all out of pity? Pity that she was raped in his home. Pity that she was in pain.

    Marcus started to move closer when she put her hand to her head as the pounding increased a few notches more. Mare didn’t want him to comfort her more, so she moved away from him. Marcus sighed knowing he deserved that. He swore to himself that he will do everything so she could see he wasn’t the cold bastard he had been. But for now, he had to accept her distance.

    Mare curled into a ball with her back to Lord VonChante and started to cry. He felt pained that she was crying. Was she still in pain? Was she still dealing with the rape? Or was this because of his sudden change? His sudden tenderness? He sighed wishing he knew. If it was his fault he would try to fix it. He would try to help her anyway he could.

    Marcus looked around trying to see anything that he could use to distract her and forget about crying for even a second. He smiled which still felt strange to do after so long of being cold. He rose from the bed and walked to her dinette table. He pulled a red rose out of the vase and wiped the stem dry. He wanted to show her that he can be gentle though she had only known rough and cold brutish demeanor from him.

    He walked slowly back to her going to the side of the bed she was facing. She had her hands of over her eyes with her head partially buried in her pillow. He knelt watching her cry. It twisted his heart but he knew he can help her. He hope this simple move would be the first step to them being together again. He smiled knowing now that his Diana was indeed alive and right here.

    Marcus took the rose and graced her rosie cheek. She jerked to look at him wide eyed again. Her tears halted for a moment. Her eyes darted from the rose in his hands to his eyes. His eyes were soft and begging her to see how he was. He saw the frightened look in her eyes. The uncertainty he had predicted them to hold.

    He reached slowly for her hand. He didn’t want her to cower away from him. He wanted her to see that he wasn’t here to hurt her. He wanted to mend her with his actions and how he was to her. That it was different than how he treats anyone else.

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