Missing Heart- Chapter Thirty

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Chapter Thirty

    The King smiled as he watched Diana and Marcus dancing with everyone else. He could see how much they were in love. They were truly meant to be together. Fate he thought to himself. Only fate could make sure they had found each other again. To bring them both back to life.

    He looked to the ornate clock at the other end of the room and felt that maybe it was time for all to know who Diana was. He had kept an eye on Lady Gwenith. He could see the look in her eyes and knew she was plotting something nasty. Lets just cut the little snake off before she dares to strike.

    The King stood and signaled for there to be silence. He walked over to Lord VonChante and Lady Diana. Everyone he passes bows to his highness including the two.

    He extended his hand. “Shall we let them know?” She smiled delicately as she placed her hand in his. He lead her back to his seat and presented her to the room. “Lady Gwenith. May I see you for a second?”

    Lady Gwenith looked surprised by this. She had thought he wanted nothing to do with her as long as VonChante’s mistress was around. She quickly and gracefully moved to his majesty before she curtsied to him. She wished to know what this was about.

    “Lady Gwenith. Tell me who this beauty is next to me.” The King asked with a grin on his face. He knew she was about to give the wrong answer. The answer anyone here would give other than Lady Diana or Lord Marcus. He just wanted for her to look foolish.

    “Why my lord, she is Lord VonChante’s mistress. I believe I have heard that her name is Mare.” Lady Gwenith felt the name suited VonChante’s mistress. A horse.

    “Hmm. I don’t think that’s her name at all.” The King looked to Diana and smiled. “I believe that she is my dear treasure.” He pulled Diana’s hand up and kissed it.

    Gasps spread throughout the room. Those who knew that nickname couldn’t believe his highness would call anyone that name. It was reserved for only Lady Diana. All they knew was that she was supposed to be dead.

    Lady Gwenith clenched her hands at her side. “My lord! Forgive me, but... Have you been bewitched? She is just a simple human!” She had to hold back her rage as she spoke to his majesty. She just couldn’t hold back the hiss in her voice.

    “I have not.” The King snapped his fingers and a servant brought forth several papers in various folders. “Did you know that this beauty beside me had no memory when she was presented to Lord VonChante?”

    “I have heard that rumor my lord.”

    He smiled. “Did you know that he had her checked out? He found that it was ten years ago that she woke not knowing herself. Woke to a house burning down.”

    Lady Gwenith figured that was why his majesty thought this simple nothing of a human could possibly be Lady Diana. Her circumstances that would have seemed to be like Lady Diana’s would have been if she survived. But Lady Gwenith knew better. There was no evidence that Lady Diana could have survived that night. “A coincidence. She could be just making stuff up my lord.”

    Marcus coughed to hide his delighted laugh at Lady Gwenith’s denial in front of his majesty. He was starting to creak. His cold facade waning the more she tried to stop what was going on. He couldn’t help it.

    “Did you know that Lord VonChante had requested not to have her blood tested to find out who she was? That he had specifically stated no such identification test be done? That it was done by a over zealous technician anyway?”

    Lady Gwenith turned to Lord VonChante with narrowed eyes. “Why would he do such a thing? If he wanted to know, he would have that test done.”

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