Missing Heart- Chapter Eighteen

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Chapter Eighteen

    Mare woke and found herself curled against Lord Marcus. He had his face buried in her hair breathing in her scent. His arms holding her snugly to him. Mare’s arms were around his waist and her legs were together draped over his thighs while his legs were bent under her.

    Mare felt a bit overwhelmed by this. To be completely wrapped in his lordship’s embrace, she wasn’t fully ready for this. She wiggled out of his hold. His hands slid away from her as he readjusted his position. She slipped out of the bed and went into his bathroom.

    Lifting the curtain, she saw that the sun was still out. She hadn’t been out in the sun for weeks. It would give her some time to herself and away from Lord Marcus and Derrick for a time. The looks they give her for the past few nights had been strange. There was just something when they looked at her that felt strange.

    Mare closed the curtain and went into the bedroom. She didn’t want to go out into the hall and have people see her leave. She didn’t want anyone around her at the moment.

    She snuck into his wardrobe and hoped he didn’t get mad for her borrowing one of his shirts and shorts than she found. She used her belt to her silk robe to tie around her make shift dress. She had to roll the sleeves up because of how long his arms were compared to hers.

    She glanced over at Lord Marcus one last time before she slipped through the curtains making sure not to let any sunlight get passed them. She didn’t want Lord Marcus to get hurt.

    The sun was bright and warm on her skin. It took a moment for her eyes to adjust to the shine of the sun. After a minute, Mare walked over to the railing of his balcony. She smiled at the beauty that unfolded before her. How could Lord Marcus have been so cold all those years with this to see every night?

    She heart sank. He loved her so much that beauty was lost to him. She needed to be farther away. She looked to the ground below. She had jumped easily from higher than this before when she had to.

    She swung her legs over the railing and let herself fall absorbing the impact. She stayed there crouched for a minute with her hands flat on the grass. The feel was soft and cool. She has missed the feel since she was captured and haloed in the wildflower fields.

    She stood and started to walk through the hedges the outlined the garden. She didn’t see anyone as she wandered through the hedges and blooming bushes.

    Before long, Mare came to the center of the garden. The statue of Lord Marcus’ beloved seemed to sparkle and shimmer in the daylight like tiny diamonds embedded within the stone. The wildflowers below her seem to magnify the beauty of the statue. They casted multi-color light on the white stone. So beautiful.

    Mare walked over to the stone-rimmed wildflower bed and sat on the grass next to it. Mare felt sad that she could be with Lord Marcus and not his love. The one she knew he would wish to be with more than anything in the world.

    Mare reached out to the flowers before her and stroked them. She begged his one true love to forgive her for taking her place, but thought she would be happy that he has begun to heal. Maybe she was sent to him to heal him from his pain.

    Mare looked up and the statue seemed to be looking at her and smiling. Slowly, to her wildest disbelief, the shimmering of the statue moved away from the surface and the silhouette flowed down to her till it was sitting with its legs bent beside it in between the statue and her.

    “Thank you.”

    “For what?” Mare found herself asking. Though she wasn’t shocked speaking to an apparition, Mare still felt strange doing it.

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