Missing Heart- Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight

    Mare woke sore. She sat up wincing at what he had done to her. It didn’t hurt when they were linked, but now she didn’t know if she could walk with how sore she was. He wasn’t rough. He was actually quiet gentle.

    Mare pulled her knees to her chest and rested her chin on top of her knees hugging herself. Why did she say yes to him? Why did she allow him to take her willingly? Hadn’t she told herself that she would hate it? But she didn’t, she doesn’t hate it. She liked it. Liked how he commanded her to feel pleasure and pain when he took her virginity.

    She remembered him telling her to remain asleep. She could remember feeling pleasure while she did. A sensation she hadn’t been expecting from him. He was so harsh, but he seemed to make her feel so perfect. What has he done to her?

    She told herself then and there that she wouldn’t let him do anything like that again. He had taken advantage of her when he came to her bed. He just needed relief for himself. He didn’t care about her. He just made her feel like that so he could take her again when he wants. She won’t be so complacent next time. She’ll fight him.

    She sighed. She doesn’t know if that was just wishful thinking. She had felt the tenderness in him again. There was so much he was denying. She could feel his pain and understood it. He was lost in despair and pain. She was lost without knowing herself. They were both lost.

    Thats it. That's why she felt connected to him. Their common feeling of lost. Thats all. Nothing more. There was nothing that really linked them. And there won’t be. He was an intolerable brut who can’t love. She was just looking for someone to connect with. They weren’t right for each other. Or were they?

    She shook herself. No. They could never be right for each other. She will lock her heart up and not let him get to her again. Never again...

    Mare rose gingerly from the bed and went into the bathroom attached to the bedroom. She needed a bath to relax her sore body. She filled the tub with mostly hot water and added soothing salts and tablets. The water turned milky and creamy as she slipped into the water.

    She laid there relaxing in the water as she let the soreness slip away from her. This was nice. To be able to relax and feel a bit pampered was a very good reward. Though the cost was to have a man who thought himself her master take her virginity away.

    “Mare lovely!” She heard the girly male voice of Derrick. She had totally forgotten about him coming back this evening. “Where are you hiding?”

    “Bathroom.” She sank a little so the milky pink water covered her to her collarbone. She wasn’t going to have any man see her bare.

    She heard the doors open. “Good. You’re taking a bath, so you must have already be informed about tonight.”

    Mare looked over at Derrick as he set a garment bag down along a vanity on the other side of the room. “Informed?” She raised an eyebrow.

    Mare liked his energy. Fun and creative. She knew she could be alright in his presence. She could also not be so formal. She realized that when he left last night.

    “Oh dear. You don’t know about the party tonight. I should have told you last night. Forgive me.”

    Mare moved till she was fully looking at Derrick with her chest pressed against the side of the large tub. “Do I have to go?”

    “You must lovely. You are Lord VonChante’s date and mistress. He’s throwing the party to show you off. It’s very political.”

    “But what if I do something to displease him?” Man did she hate herself for thinking of his lordship over herself. This damn halo was a pain in her butt but she couldn’t do anything about it. The device has programming that prevented her from harming it or trying to take it off. All she could do it wear it and follow orders.

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