Missing Heart- Chapter Twenty-Six

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Chapter Twenty-six

    They returned to the palace and Marcus poured them each a glass of wine. They talked about her parents and the fun times they had together. They were having their own personal wake for her parents since she wasn’t able to be there for the official one.

    About a few hours before sunrise, there was a knock on their chamber doors. Marcus rose to see who it was. Diana sat simply and tilted her head down.

    Marcus groaned loudly when he saw who was at the door. “Lady Gwenith! Please don’t do this tonight.”

    “Oh Lord Marcus. You have denied me for over ten years. Why do you resist what we could have together?” A sultry redhead said as she stepped into Marcus with her hands caressing his chest.

    Marcus took a step back and clenched his teeth. “Because I don’t want you in any way. Find someone else to molest and leave me be.”

    Gwenith turned her head and saw Diana. Her eyes turned to fury. “And yet you bed her?!” She turned back to Marcus. “You bed whores like her, yet you don’t even take me!” Gwenith’s mood shifted just a bit as she stepped forward pressing herself up to him. “I can forgive you if you send that wench away and take me here and now.”

    Marcus’ fury over flowed at hearing his beloved called such distasteful names. Marcus grabbed Gwenith’s wrist and shoved her out into the hall. “You will never talk about her like that. You hear me?” He slammed the door in Gwenith’s shocked face.

    Gwenith turned and marched down the hall furious that he had spoken to her like that. “What does that human have that I don’t? She will grow old and wrinkly while I say beautiful for so much longer. He will come crawling to me once she is dead begging to have me.”

    Gwenith soon had a wicked smile on her face with a thought. She will just have to wait for the right moment to set it into motion. All she had to do was bide her time and wait for the delicious opportunity to present itself. No way was she going to let a nothing stop her from being with the man she wanted.

    Marcus sighed letting his anger release before he turned back to Diana. His heart tightened at seeing tears roll down her cheeks as she had her eyes close. He wanted to tear Lady Gwenith apart for causing his beloved pain. Especially today. They had gone to her parents’ graves.

    Marcus crossed the room and crotched down beside her. He took his handkerchief out of his pocket and started to wipe her tears away. His teeth clenched so hard that his jaw started to hurt. He was cursing silently in his head at Lady Gwenith for her irritating comments and name calling.

    “Shh love. You’re none of those things. You’re my heart and the only one for me. Please stop crying.”

    Diana threw her arms around Marcus’ neck and held him to her. He started to rub her back to sooth her. “I’m sorry. I think its the alcohol and what she said.”

    “She’s just a spiteful prima-donna who doesn’t know how to love anyone properly. Please don’t believe anything she says my love.” He wanted to really hurt Gwenith now.

    Marcus reach beside them and lifted her wine glass up. “Drink love.” Diana took the glass from him drinking all of it slowly with tears still falling. Marcus stroked her back in soothing circles.

    He took the glass and set it down on the table. “Come on. I think we need some fresh air.” He helped her up and steadied her as he guided them out to the balcony overlooking the garden.

    The King’s garden was much, much larger than Marcus’. A stone garden was the first area ones entered. Some stones were abstract sculptures created by many world renowned artists. Passed the stone garden was the flower garden that leads to the large hedge maze. In the center was a lake with a stone bridge that stretched across it. Statues stood smiling down at those on the bridge.

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