Missing Heart- Chapter Thirty-Three

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Chapter Thirty-three

    Marcus was still working on his laptop when Night jumped up onto the dinning table. He smiled as he stroked the kitten on top of his head. Night purring lightly and rubbing his little head more into Marcus’ hand for a moment. “Hey little man. Visiting me?”

    The kitten looked at him then to Diana before meowing and jumping down and going over to her. Marcus looked over and saw Diana stir the moment the kitten was on the bed joining his white companion.

    Diana opened her eyes and blinked a few times. She sat up slowly seeing the cutest little kittens in the world looking at her. “Hello little ones. Where did you come from?”

    “They are a gift to you from Lord Tang, Earl of Chagin. He thought you might like them.”

    She smiled at the two kittens and leaned against the head board. “Will you two cuddle with me?” They both bounced meowing over to Diana and her waiting arms. “They like me.”

    “They liked me instantly too.” Marcus shrugged. “But I think it was you that they decided to like me.”

    “I think they knew you are a good man.”

    “They have actually been in the palace since you fell ill, but had been stay with his majesty. He feared they wouldn’t help with your illness. But now that you’re better, he thought they would lift your spirits even more.”

    “Have you been watching me sleep?”

    He shrugged. “Off and on while I worked. Night told me you were waking.”


    He smiled at her. “The King nicknamed them Snow and Night. I like the names, but we can call them anything you want.”

    She looked at the little kittens. “What do you guys think? Night...?” She looked at the black one. “And Snow?” She looked to the white one. The kittens purred as they started to rubbed their little heads all over her. Diana giggle. “Guess they like their names. His highness will be so pleased.”

    “You also have tons of flowers and other gifts from all the nobles. The King didn’t want to bombard you with the gifts, so the other gifts are hold up in another room. The flowers are everywhere in the other room. I brought a few in here.”

    “I can smell them. They’re soothing.”

    “I’m glad. You hungry?”

    Diana nodded petting the kittens. “I think that’s why I woke up. I’m also feeling much better too.”

    Marcus got up and kissed her forehead. “That’s good to hear. I’ll be back with our dinners.” He looked to the kitten. “Will you two keep her company?” The kittens started to purr and meow at him.

    “They understand us. These are smart little kittens.”

    “I realized that when his majesty brought them. They heard me say I didn’t want them to dislike me and they came to me showing me they would like me.”

    Marcus took a step away and Diana caught his arm. She pouted. “No kiss?”

    He chuckled as he leaned down and kissed her on the lips. “I shouldn’t be too long.” He looked down to the kittens. “Please keep her calm for me.” Together the kitten gave a solid meow to Marcus. “Thank you little ones.” He scratched each of them behind the ear before he walked out and winked just before he closed the door.

    Diana looked down to the two little ones. She was constantly smiling at them as she pet them. They were so soft and cuddly. They even licked her cheek making her laugh and giggle at them.

    Night crawled onto her shoulder and around her neck to look like a kitty boa. He purred as he rubbed his head on her jaw. He really like her and wanted to show her that.

    Snow curled on Diana’s lap and held her hand between her little paws. Snow cleaned her hand while getting petted. Snow wanted to always be with this woman whose petting made her fur feel so good. She felt a peace with this person.

    There was a timid knock before the door open. The kittens both moved to sit on either side of Diana and waited. The doctor slipped into the room and came over to Diana.

    “How are you feeling my lady?” He asked as he lifted her chin and felt the glands under her jaw. The kittens watched in curiosity as the doctor touched and checked their lady. They were also ready to defend her if he made the wrong move with her.

    “I feel better. Though still feel tired and weak.”

    The doctor nodded. “That’s to be expected for the next few days. I have asked Lord VonChante to keep you resting till you’re a little better.” He looked down at the kittens. “Your little guardians there are eyeing me.”

    “They’re just protecting me. They really like me. I feel calmer with them around.” She petted the kittens as the doctor took her pulse.

    “Good. We don’t need you stressing my lady.” He smiled. “Your heart rate is normal for you. And your blood work came back normal. Once you recover completely you’ll be back to normal. Just make sure to have herbal tea everyday. The tea has nutrients that your body needs to stay normal.”

    “My mother always gave me tea at breakfast.”

    “She knew what you needed. Now you do too.” He smiled. “If you feel worse tomorrow evening, notify me at once my lady.”

    Diana nodded. “Thank you doctor.”

    “My pleasure my lady. Welcome back to us.” She smiled at him as he rose and left the room.

    Marcus came back a mere moment later. He smiled as he returned with a tray in hand. “Would you like dinner in bed?”

    Diana shook her head. “Can we eat at the table?”

    Marcus grinned brighter. “Of course, but I’m lifting you up and carrying you to the table.”

    “That sounds reasonable.” She smiled up at him as he set the tray down on the table. He moved everything onto the table.

    After the dishes were on the table, he walked over to her and the kittens moved away. She moved the bedding away and put her arms around his neck. The kittens jumped off the bed as he lifted her up from the bed.

    Marcus set Diana down gingerly onto her seat at the table. The kittens already taking up the seat on her right. On the table in front of the kittens were two little plates with wet cat food on them. He was delighted that the kittens were waiting before they started eating.

    “They even have table manners.” He chuckled out and Diana laughed seeing it.

    The moment Diana and Marcus started to eat, the kittens too started. They had their front paws on the edge of the table with their hind legs still on the seat below. They even ate neatly taking the tiniest bites of their food. They didn’t even make very many noises.

    They all seemed to finish at the same time. Marcus and Diana laughed at this. He was still laughing as he picked her up from her chair. She leaned her head against his shoulder. She was feeling sleepy again. He was thankful that the sun was rising in about ten minutes so he could sleep with her.

    He set her back down on the bed laying down. Her eyes were already closing. He moved her hair away from her face before he put the blanket over her. She was already fast asleep again.

    He leaned forward and kissed her forehead. He took care of the dishes and tray before he changed for the evening. The kittens were already asleep too, but at the foot of the bed. He was able to slid in with no problems at all.

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