Missing Heart- Chapter Twenty-Five

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Chapter Twenty-five

    The next evening Marcus had suggested the King’s idea to visit Diana’s parents’ graves. Diana nodded because she couldn’t speak. He knew that she needed closer and going there would help. He would be with her the whole time.

    They both dressed in all black and Marcus place a pendant with his emblem around her neck. The pendant hung from a black sheer ribbon and tied into a simple bow behind her neck. He still felt a sense of proud to have his emblem on his beloved.

    Everyone who saw them was wide eyed. They didn’t say a word till Diana and Marcus was a bit a way to whisper to their companion if they had one. Everyone knew that Lord VonChante had come unexpectantly to the castle and that the King had predicted it. That the King didn’t give Marcus his usual quarters.

    No one could find out what was happening or what was going on. The only conclusion they could come up with that it had something to do with Lord VonChante’s mistress. She was the source of much gossip throughout the whole vampyre world.

    First they were told that she was a haloed mistress, but they see now that she wasn’t haloed any longer. They had heard rumors that she had softened to stone hearted Earl in such a short time. There were rumors of him smiling because of this mysterious woman.

    As they saw her now, they couldn’t help but see tears brimming under the surface. That and the all black attire, they knew that something was up. Lord VonChante was showing her so much gentleness and tenderness that they knew he was no longer the dead hearted man from before.

    A royal car waited for Marcus and Diana out the front. He had called for it when they woke and before they ate their breakfast. He was dismayed a bit when she didn’t eat as much as she normally did. Marcus had expected it.

    In the car, Diana saw a bouquet of roses resting on the seat. She held it while Marcus got in. “Where did those come from?” He asked curiously seeing them in her arms.

    She looked down at the bouquet and noticed a card sticking up under the clothe wrapper. She had thought that Marcus had them here for her, but then he asked. The card could tell her who they were for if they weren’t for her.

    My precious Lady Diana,

        I hope these were alright to send with you. I wish to give you my condolences for your lose. I know it has been years, but the ache for you must be fresh. Know that you may take as much time as you need to grieve. I also hope you like what we have done in honor of you and your family.


    “The King sent them for me.” Diana read the note and saw he didn’t call himself King, just Nathaniel. He was being informal with her like he did before whenever her family brought her before him. He always called her precious or treasure. They were her nicknames from him.

    “That was generous of him.” The car started forward and around the massive fountain in front of the entrance to the castle. The gravel clinking the underside of the car as they rode down the drive away from the palace.

    “He knows who I am?” Diana asked curiously as she looked to the card again. The King had called her ‘my precious Lady Diana’.

    “Yes. I talked with him last night while you rested. He had wanted to meet with you too, but he understood. He was the one to suggest taking you to your parent’s graves.” Marcus pulled her to him so she could rest her head on his shoulder.

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