Missing Heart- Chapter Thirty-Seven

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Chapter Thirty-seven

    “Diana love.” She felt someone shaking her trying to wake her up. “Come on. I know you’re comfortable, but tonight’s our last night here. The last of your audiences still need to see you.”

    They have been seeing nobles for the last four days. His majesty had suggested that after the audiences had finished, that they could go home. Marcus had things that he needed to get caught up on. He also had more work to do on his invention. It was hard not being back at his mansion with all his books to help him. He also haven’t had a lot of time on his computer either.

    Marcus thought it funny when Diana pulled the sheets up over her head. He tried to pull them down, but she held on tight. He huffed lightly to himself still amused by her wanting to rest. Her vigilance to stay in bed. He realized he should change tactics.

    He ducked under the sheets and felt around. Soon he felt her side and brought himself to her side. He kissed her side and started to move up her back. He felt her grip relax and he moved the sheets away.

    He just couldn’t stop as he graced her neck with his lips. He had missed the taste of her skin these past two weeks. He had been having a hard time keeping his desire for her to himself. He nearly pounced on her yesterday in the shower, but had stopped himself. Today he couldn’t stop himself any longer.

    Diana moaned as she felt his lips on her neck. She couldn’t help how he felt pressed against her like that. How his hands sent shivers right down to her lower stomach. He was waking her up in the best possible way. She loves those nibbles he does when he was kissing her neck.

    “So my love.” He graced her thigh with his finger tips. “If you wake up now, we could have some fun before the assistants get here and take up your time.” He leaned up and graced his lips against her ear. “We could have fun in the shower. I know how you’ve wanted to this past week.”

    “I’m awake and ready for anything you want to do to me.” She said breathless as he slid his hand around her stomach and downward. He knew how to instantly turn her on. With just one touch, she was his.

    He smirked as he glided out of the bed. “Care to join me my love?” He waited at the door to the bathroom.

    Diana grinned at him as she followed suit and exited the bed walking over to him. With all his teasing, it was interesting to see him swallow at the sight of her sensually walking towards him as if she was stalking him.

    She stepped in front of him and placed her hand on his chest. “Of course I care to join you, if you’ll have me.” She slid her her hand up as they both leaned into each other.

    He pulled them into the bathroom as they kissed each other. After closing the door behind him, he pressed her against it. They hungrily and passionately kissed as they hurriedly striped each other. They both had been waiting for so long to be together again.

    Fully undressed, he lifted her up causing her to wrap her legs around his waist. She giggled as he walked them over to the shower. He held her bottom in his hands as he made their way over to the glass shower door. She managed to open it for them without looking.

    Inside the shower, he let her down as he pulled away from kissing her. He turned on the shower for them then turned back to his beloved. As if they had been separated for years, they came crashing together in such haste. The water cascading down their bodies just cool them off partially. Their blood ran too hot to even be cooled enough to stop them.

    His hands pulled her closer needing more contact. She couldn’t help wanting the same thing. She ran her nails down his shoulders and back making him growl in delight. The sharp feeling only driving him to need her even more. His blood rushing faster.

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