Missing Heart- Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

    The maidens from the previous night came bustling in with another gown and a tray of food as she woke. They actually found her sitting up in bed waiting for them to enter. Part of the halo’s programming. They commanded her to eat first before they proceeded to dress her. They even made her sit down so they could fix her hair up.

    For her hair, the woman pulled part of it back and braided down the length of her hair. The rest was put in very loose curls for Lord VonChante has demanded that no woman around him have tight curls like Lady Diana used to have. Everyone has complied with this as they didn’t want to invoke his wrath.

    The woman sprayed her lightly with a perfume as an added touch before they presented her to the Duke for his approval. He was all to delighted how lady like Mare turned out. He congratulated the maidens and then took Mare to the front entrance of his home.

    A car stood waiting for them when they were outside. She was commanded to get in after the door was opened for her by the chauffeur. The Duke got in on the opposite side of the car after the chauffeur came around to open his door.

    The ride took nearly and hour’s time. The Duke asked her questions the whole ride. Questions like if she can curtsy and her name. He found it funny that she called herself Mare like a horse. He asked why and she told him the story of the family that found her petting their mare.

    “So you do not remember anything that happened to you?”

    “No.” Most of her answers have been short. She rarely talked to anyone let alone for an hour. This was a new experience that felt oddly familiar but not with the Duke. Her mind wandered back to her dreams and the many conversations she had with her mysterious friend. They had always talked.

    “Humm. That is interesting.” He waved it off. “No matter, Lord Marcus won’t care about the absence of your past. He won’t even be that interested in you. I just think he shouldn’t go into town to get laid. You my dear will be his mistress if he will touch you. No more skanky whores for him if I can help it.”

    Oh god. That was what passed through her mind when she heard of his plans for her. To be given as a sex slave wearing this awful device on her head was to her a terrible fate.

    The car pulled in front of a huge mansion. One of beyond grand splendor. It almost sat like a castle waiting to defend off a siege. Its grey stone and green copper lanterns casted an eerie glow about the mansion. Her skin grew cold at seeing this vaguely familiar building. Whatever warmth it had long ago looks to have faded to become bitter. Maybe it was just the knowledge of why she was being brought here.

    The front door opened as the Duke walked forward with Mare following. A similarly stern looking man like at the Duke’s home bowed before the Duke. Though this stern man’s outfit looks to be entirely black, his hair seems to be living flames as the soft curls fall from the band that has them tied back. He looked prime and proper.

    “Good evening Duke Shaw. Lord VonChante is in the study.”

    “Isn’t he always. Sometimes I think he sleeps in there.” The Duke laughed as he took Mare through the much grander halls of this mansion than the Duke’s home. The portraits were larger and more skillfully done. The frames of the portraits were even gilded in real gold.

    The stern man from the front door opened a set of ornately carved doors that depicted angels and demons. These doors lead to an even grander study that looked more like a library with millions of books on two floors. A rot iron railing lined the second floor’s walkway as it looked down to the first floor. A spiral staircase linked the two floors on the left side of the room. Several plush leather sofas sat in the middle of the open area of the first floor with a marble table seated in the middle of the seating area.

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