Missing Heart- Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven

    Mare was sleeping peacefully and soundly because of the full night last night of seeing the whole mansion. Derrick certainly knows how tire a woman out. He told her jokes and made her feel happen, but her mind would wonder every so often. Wander to Lord VonChante and his tragic story.

    Her dreams reflected his story. Her mind and heart couldn’t stop hurting knowing his loss. Why did the statue of the girl shake its head in her dream? Mare knew the statue was telling her something, but she could understand it. It felt odd that the statue touched her cheek and smiled.

    She jolted awake. Her heart pounded because something outside of her had ripped her away from her dream. She scrambled to the headboard when she saw three guards standing at the foot of her bed looking at her with lustful interest.

    The one that was in the middle smirked darkly as he held up the halo’s transmitter band and then put it on his head. She trembled not knowing what they were going to do. Her senses were telling her that they only wanted evil things. Wrong demented things. And no one was around to stop them.

    “Now. Come to me my sweet.” He crawled his finger over and over again from her to him commanded with words and actions.

    Mare couldn’t disobey. She had to move away from the headboard and sat with her knees bent in front of the vampyre with the band. A tear fell but he didn’t care. The guard wrapped and buried his fingers in her braid at the back of her head and shifted her swiftly so most of the right side of her neck was revealed to him.

    She shuttered when he licked her neck disgustingly slowly. Soon she felt him bring his other hand to her neck as he forced her to lay down on the bed. He moved with her to hover over top of her. His hand on her neck slid down her body to the top of her silky nightgown. In one quick movement, he tore the gown from her body. Exposing her to all three sets of eyes.

    She was scared and trembling under him. He smiled at this. He liked her terror. He breathed it in and it aroused him. Her fear made him want her more and more each second her hovered over her. His companions were watching and loving it too.

    “Now. Spread those delicious legs of yours.” She jolted and yelped as she tried to disobey with every ounce of strength she had. But in the end, her fear overwhelmed her strength.

    The guard undid his trousers and pulled them down. After he did, he laughed as he trusted two fingers in her making her scream out in agony. She heard the other guards laugh too and rub their trouser crouches. They were stimulated by this perversion.

    “Tsk. Tsk. Become wet for me.” He told her bemused by the lack of wanting from her. He moved his fingers in and out of her a few times. “Thats better my beauty.” He removed his hand and pinned her to the bed. “You will find this pleasing.”

    Before she could comprehend, he thrusted forward and buried himself fully within her. She screamed out and denied the pleasure. This was wrong and she has the strength to not find pleasure in being raped. She started to thrash and get out from under him.

    “No. Stop struggling.” He commanded and then roughly moved within her. She could struggle because of his command. She tried to disobeyed but the halo kept shocking her.

    She didn’t want this. She was supposed to be safe here even without Lord VonChante around. But she was being raped. Taken against her will.

    The bed moved and one of the two was knelt at her head. “Tell her to open her mouth. I was to he sucked off.”

    The one taking her smiled. “Do as he said my sweet. Suck him off the best you can.” Mare’s bottom lips trembled as she moved her head back and opened her mouth. She closed her eyes as the man inserted his cock in her mouth. She found it disgusting, but did as told.

    The man at her head was choking her as he thrusted into her mouth making sure she took his entire length. Tears fell as these two continued their assault on her.

    Before long she felt the one at her mouth climax and the banded one ordered her to swallow. She felt disgusted with the taste. Her halo constantly zapped her as she tried to disobey.

    Once the man at her head finished, he moved away and the final man was bidding entrance and she had to comply. Hand dug into her skin painfully. She knew they weren’t caring that they were leaving marks on her. They didn’t care about anything but their pleasure.

    The two on her nearly came at once. The one in her mouth came quickly having been stimulating himself till he got his turn. She took some pride that she ignored one command, she felt no pleasure in that.

    The men panted as they climbed off her bed and tossed the transmitter band on the dinette table. They were smiling at themselves but then halted after they opened her room door.

    Derrick stood in the doorway. When he looked to the bed and saw Mare crying and bruises already forming, he became enraged and yelled for guards. The men were apprehended and taken down to the dungeon till Lord VonChante to deal with when he returned.

    After they were escorted away, Derrick sent for the doctor and robed Mare. She couldn’t stop crying and saying she tried. Derrick asked what she tried. She looked up at him and said ‘disobey’ then cried harder. Derrick had never heard of someone trying to disobey when they were haloed. He had a new profound respect for her.

    The doctor showed and examined her. He had to tranquilize her so she slept while he had to do certain tests. He took samples to see if the rapist who had the band on had impregnated her. He hoped not, but they just had to see. His lordship will be already enraged by this transgression. Lord VonChante didn’t need anymore disheartening news when he returns.

    Derrick stayed with Mare while she slept. He just couldn’t believe that they raped her. Lord VonChante’s mistress in the lord’s own home. He should have paid more attention to the ones she cringed away from. He wondered if she knew somehow that they wanted from her.

    The doctor had seen slight redding around the connections from her halo and her skin. He said she put up quiet the resistance to the men.

    Derrick frowned when he saw that she still had tears streaming down her face. They had done a number on her. He was touched that she let him touch her after what happened. She trusted him.

    For the next night, Derrick never left Mare’s side. Even the doctor came in periodically to check in on her. Mare stayed close to Derrick even with the doctor came to see her. She trembled and cried constantly throughout the night and even during her sleep in the day. She couldn’t stop crying. Derrick held her as she slept to ease some of her hurt.

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