Missing Heart- Chapter Forty-Three

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Chapter Forty-three

    Nathaniel entered the study. Derrick had told him that Lord VonChante and Lady Diana were taken up to their chambers just before sunrise. He had been staying in the room with the kittens. They were doing so much better. The kittens were even wandering around curious about the mansion.

    Right now those kittens were following him around. They still hadn’t seen Lady Diana yet. Nathaniel had told them that she needed sometime with this trial. They were sticking with him till he told them it was alright to see her. He purposefully didn’t tell them about the miscarriage the two soulmates had suffered.

    His majesty’s captain of the royal guard came in and bowed. “Your majesty.”

    Nathaniel sat down with a glass of wine in a winged chair by the fireplace. “Report.”

    “All involved have been dealt with. All the made vampyres were eliminated as ordered. The sun took care of their bodies.”

    “And what of the once Lady Gwenith?”

    The captain grimaced. “She was taken by a group right out of the transport vehicle. We have located her remains. She was pinned to a cross. Three stakes in each arm and each leg. A stake in each shoulder. Her hair was cut away and some saved in a closed box for identification. She was left bleeding and in agony till the sun rose. She died painfully and slowly.”

    Nathaniel smiled darkly at this. “Thank you. You may go.” The guard bowed deeply before leaving his majesty to his thoughts.

    Someone had taken care of Gwenith for him and in such a fitting away. He would love to reward the ones who did that to Lady Gwenith. He wanted them to tell him everything they did and how they did it. He wanted all the details. Every scream. Every drop of blood as it oozed down her body. Everything.

    The kittens curled up in his lap and he pet them. They were still so tired. At least the vet said there was no permanent damage to them. They’ll fully recover in time.

    He heard the door open and Derrick bowed in. “My lord. Lord VonChante and Lady Diana seem better today.”

    “You have seen them.”

    Derrick bowed his head to his majesty. “Yes, your grace. I personally took them their breakfast. They bid me to tell you they regret not being well enough last night. The shock was too much for them.”

    “They needn’t regret such a thing. They had every right to grieve for what they lost. My doctor hadn’t checked to see if she was. He hadn’t even thought about it when he was treating her while she was sick.”

    “It was a shock to all my lord. But I believe they will be even closer now. They can live peacefully now from what I hear.”

    “Aye they are safe to love each other without fear.”

    “Is it true my lord that he proposed the moment all knew the truth?”

    Nathaniel smiled happily. “Yes. He had told me what he desired and I told him it would be perfect to do at the ball. She was so surprised that she was speechless.”

    Both their eyes snapped up to the ceiling when they felt a wave of energy wash over them. The energy tingled their skin. It was powerful whatever it was. They could only assume that it was something between Lord VonChante and Lady Diana.

    “That happened yesterday too.”

    “Yes. Very curious, but there is time to speculate later.”

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