Missing Heart- Chapter Twenty-One

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Chapter Twenty-one

    Two weeks have past since Marcus started to giving her several drops of his blood in her drink once a night. He mostly mixes it with her wine, but some nights she doesn’t want wine. Those nights he mixes it with her grape juice in the early evening without her seeing.

    She has been becoming comfortable with the Duke and Count. They’ve even gone to some parties together. Marcus had been careful not to be too delighted in public. He always has to watch himself when she smiles up at him. He tends to smile back when she does that. Or when she kisses his cheek which she doesn’t do around too many people.

    The whole vampyre world was a buzz of the changes in Lord Marcus and his unhaloed mistress. It was unheard of for anyone to dehaloed someone, but Marcus was a unique person. None dared to ask why he had done it or why she had stayed with him. They were confused how any woman would remain with such a man as Lord VonChante.

    Though Mare was supposed to fetch their drinks for them, the Duke or the Count tended to do it for her. She would frown sometimes when they did that for her. Marcus would whisper that they liked her and didn’t mind doing things for her. Mare would sigh and let them. She couldn’t tell them they couldn’t. It wasn’t her place.

    Some days she would sleep with Marcus in his bed, others she slept alone in her own bed. The times she slept alone were dwindling as she felt more and more connected to Marcus. She couldn’t explain the feeling, it was just there all the time.

    Tonight, they were out on her balcony just talking. The night was beautiful with a crescent moon. The air was warm with a hint of a cool breeze. Marcus was seeing the beauty of the scenery with Mare next to him. Thick clouds lingered in the sky from a rain a few nights ago.

    “Mare. What’s wrong?” Marcus looked worried as Mare stared out into the sky.

    “I’m not sure. I just have a feeling something is about to happen. I’m a little frightened of the feeling.” Mare finished off her glass of grape juice and set it down.

    “Don’t worry. You have me always.” He smiled sweetly at her. She did feel better with his words and his smile.

    “Are we interrupting?” Mare glanced behind her and saw both the Duke and the Count walking out onto the balcony.

    “Not at all. Join us won’t you?” Mare asked and received two smiles as they came over and took the two remaining empty seats. Mare smiled as she got up. “I’ll be right back.”

    Marcus watched her enter her room. “When did the good doctor say her memory should return?” Shaw asked in a whisper into Marcus’ ear.

    “Any day now. It will be nice if my one and only knows who she is?” Marcus says longingly into his glass of half drunk blood wine.

    Mare heard Lord Marcus say ‘one and only’ and then her head started spin. The words just repeated over and over in her head strengthening. Her glass tumbled from her fingers crashing to the ground while she stumbled into the doorway.

    “Lady Mare!” Mare couldn’t identify the voice as her body started to jerk as images flashed threw her mind so fast. Both bright and dark. Happy and horrific. It was like a dam burst in her mind and everything was flooding her all at once. The raging waters never seeming to end.

    She fell to the ground with her eyes wide and her body jerking violently against someone’s hold. She could hear someone shouting but her mind was stuck with the flood of sights, sounds, smells, tastes, and touches from her hidden past. So much information consuming her. She was overwhelmed by it all.

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