Missing Heart- Chapter Thirty-Nine

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Chapter Thirty-nine

    No one slept during the day. Their exhaustion was ignored as they went through everything. Every detail. Lord Manier had activated the locater in Diana’s pendant locket. When he received a location, his men left without a word from him. They knew time was of the essence right now.

    Marcus had dressed in a tight black t-shirt and his black jeans. Strapped to his back was the harness for his favorite weapon of choice, a katana specially designed for him. Attached to his legs were his throwing knives. He was going to be ready for a fight. He had been taught everything under the sun in the way of fighting as he needed to learn to control his anger all those years without Diana.

    He looked over to the King to see that he too was wearing something very similar. The only difference was that his highness was wearing tight black leather pants with guns strapped to his thighs. Any woman would swoon at the powerful sight of his majesty. Marcus had wondered why his majesty had no woman just yet. Must not have found the right one for himself more than likely.

    He had to shake himself from that thought and concentrated on where his own woman could be. She was his main focus. He needed her back. The kittens needed her back. They were still poorly in her chambers. Even the King went up to see them and felt helpless at their sadness. He had cuddled each separately trying to help them. But it didn’t work. They just cried while he held them.

    At noon Lord Manier got the call from his team at the locket location. Manier put it on speakers. “Repeat what you just told me Lucas. You’re on speaker.”

    “My lords and your majesty. Forgive me for being a barer of bad news, but Lady Diana was not here. We found a camp sight and the locket only. There is even tracks leading in every direction. We are trying to determine which way is the right direction, but it is quiet difficult. We are not giving up.”

    “Every well. Keep us posted. Good or bad.” The King commanded of Lord Manier’s men. He needed to know everything to help them find Diana.

    “With haste your grace.” The line went dead.

    All three men groaned. Marcus had his knuckles on the long conference table in his study they were using as the command center of the operation. His head bowed as he closed his eyes. He had to pray for help. He was losing the battle to stay positive. That they were going to get her back.

    Diana help me. Give me a clue to where you were taken. All he felt was the desire to go to the camp sight. Like he needed to be there to see the clue. His heart squeezed and felt heavy with the feeling.

    A hand came to his shoulder. Marcus looked up to see the King looking at him sympathetically. “What do you need?” Marcus knew that he was asking about a physical need.

    “To go to the camp sight.”

    Nathaniel looked more at Lord VonChante. There was something there. VonChante was going with a gut feeling. The feeling given to him through his link with his beloved. His soulmate.

    He nodded. “Alright.” He turned to the room. “We leave as soon as we can. Let us be there by sunset.”

    “Thank you.” Marcus whispered to his majesty.

    “No need. I believe you are following where your soul wants you to go. You are her greatest hope now. Follow your instincts. They will guide you to her.”

    Marcus nodded and stood up as Derrick came over with Marcus’ sword in hand. “Please bring lovely back.” Marcus’ lip quirked up at Derrick. He liked the nickname Derrick had given Diana. Lovely. She was that and more.

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