Missing Heart- Chapter Six

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Chapter Six

    Mare picked up a book off the shelf just before the door banged open. She held the book to her chest as she turned to the door. The man from the study stood there. She knew he was Lord Marcus VonChante by everyone’s reference to him.

    She studied him as he seemed to glare at her without moving. His black hair was tightly pulled back into a black leather band and then braided to the middle of his shoulder blades. His sharp unfeeling hunter green eyes gave nothing away. His jaw looked sharp and seemed to clench and unclench every so often. His whole outfit was brilliantly tailored over his strong broad shoulders and thick powerful legs. He looked as if he could rip someone in half if he desired with a twist of his wrists.

    “Move away from the bookshelf.” He growled out at her.

    Mare swallowed as she darted to the other side of the room and hid behind one of the bedposts. Lord VonChante watched her not moving even a step.

    He diverted his eyes from Mare and walked over to the bookshelves. He seemed to be looking for something and Mare clenched the book closer to her as she watched him look over shelf after shelf. She could feel his anger as he kept looking.

    He growls under his breathe not seeing the book on the shelves. He looked over to her as she cringes behind the bedpost. He walks over to her and holds his hand out. She looks at the hand and then back to him.

    “Give me the book.” He demanded without the transmitter band on his head. “You are not to read that book. Now give it to me.”

    “Please don’t take it.” She pleaded. Why did this book call to her? Now she was paying for touching it.

    “GIVE IT!” He demands as his eyes turned black like dark fires. He was enraged over a book. He didn’t want anyone touching this book, and she held it.

    She shakes her head cowering behind the bedpost. This seriously displeases Lord VonChante beyond his restraint. He steps around the bedpost and throws her down on the bed roughly with power and frustration. Mare holds the book for dear life as he tries to rip it out of her arms. Pulling and tugging on it while she held it tightly. She didn’t understand why this book was important to both of them let alone herself.

    Lord VonChante growls before he grabs her wrists and pins her arms above her head causing one of his nails to cut into her skin and the book to slid to her side. His nose flares with the scent of her blood filling the air between them. Their eyes locked onto each other’s. He pulled her wrist to his lips and she didn’t give any resistance because she felt no fear. He licked the area slowly and he growled in response to the taste of her blood. He couldn’t help it. Her blood’s taste should not have touched him like it had. Her heart beat quickened to the pleasant feel of him licking her blood and healing her skin. There was something about it...

    Before she could blink or move, he was off her with the book in his hands. He slammed her door without even looking back at her. The sound made her flinch as it reverberated around the room. He couldn’t care how she felt about him tasting her blood, she was his property now. Her feeling didn’t matter.

    Marcus slammed his bedroom door and threw the book onto his dinette table. He walked...no, stomped out to his balcony and scowled at the breathtaking scenery that was lost to him. It has been lost to him for ten years.

    Marcus closed his eyes as he held a hand over his mouth. He couldn’t believe how sweet her blood was. It was like pure magic on his tongue. If he hadn’t been looking in her eyes, he would have sank his teeth in her wrist or neck. No one’s blood had ever been that delicious to him since Diana.

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