Missing Heart- Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Chapter Twenty-nine

    Diana whimpered when Derrick’s assistants came bustling in first thing after the sun set. They had pulled her from bed and away from Marcus before ushering her into the bathroom. She didn’t even get to kiss him before she was carted away.

    They brought her breakfast as she bathed. They made sure not to see her back. Derrick had told his assistants that they were still trying to heal her scars. He told them not to look as it could upset her and make her feel uneasy around them.

    The assistants divided and conquered to get Diana ready for the ball in record time. One for hair. One for makeup. Within an hour after Diana had gotten out of the bath, she was ready and being led into the living room to see Marcus trying to fix his tie.

    Diana walked over and he stopped trying. He watched her fix his tie for him. He loved watching her touch him as she looked like a goddess in her gown. The way her fingers danced with the fabric of his tie. The way she smoothed out the tie when she finished and looked up at him with a small smile.

    Marcus touched the necklace she wore that bared his emblem. It was his favorite thing to see on her. “After tonight, you won’t have to wear my house’s emblem. All will know who you are.”

    She touched his cheek. “What if I want to wear it because you’re the only one I want?”

    He smiled down at her. “That would make me overjoyed beyond measure.” He took her arm. “Lets go have fun at the King’s ball.” She giggled as he took them out of their suite and through the halls.

    The great ballroom of the palace was a sight to behold. White walls with red embellishments decorated the room. Gold glittered from the various tables where some food rest and lots of bottles of blood wine. The servants of his majesty stood next to the tables in their red outfits trimmed in black with gold accents. None looked at a soul but did as they were asked. Drinking of them was highly forbidden. Drinking from an individual in the presence of others was also forbidden. Think of it as having sex in a mall, not very proper.

    The King sat on his ornate seat chatting to those who stood next to him. He always like watching in the beginning of every ball he threw. He had told Diana once when he had her on his lap at one ball that he like to see who he wishes to dance with beforehand. His tastes changed from ball to ball as there tend to be several who rarely attend. He liked planning.

    The King smiled as he saw Diana and Marcus enter the ballroom. Marcus guided them over to his majesty as protocol insisted on them presenting themselves before they could do anything. There is only one person who could break protocol and the world thinks she is died. Not alive and walking over to the King at the moment. To all not in the know, they just saw Marcus’ mistress, Mare.

    Whispers flowed and people gossiped about Diana. Marcus was keeping his cold front up, but she could feel his warmth radiating through him to her. She kept her gaze down as she should but had a tiny smile on her face. She could hear the faint whispers of those nearest her. They were remarking on her beauty and her complete contrast to Marcus’ demeanor. They were wondering if the rumors were true and he had fallen for her. Oh, if they only knew what was really going on...

    They finally made it to the King and immediately showed their honor to the King as if one. Marcus bowed deeply. Diana curtsied as she once was taught by her mother. One hand placed delicately at the top of her breasts above her neckline. The other on her skirt. One lag behind the other. Knees bending as head bowed to the King. All delicate. All graceful.

    More whispers flew through the room. Her ears caught some saying that she seemed to be like a lady of their world. Someone of true nobility. But others were dismissing that she could be someone because they thought her human. Only if they knew...

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