Missing Heart- Chapter Twenty-Two

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Chapter Twenty-two

    Marcus smiled as he woke. She was back. Fully and completely back. He rolled till she has under him. He leaned down and smelled her sweet magical scent. She giggled in response as his nose grazed her neck.

    “So you’re awake too my dear?” Marcus whispered into her ear.

    “Yes.” He pulled back just to see if she was smiling which her voice indicated. Indeed was she grinning. Her smile made her eyes sparkle up at him.

    Marcus stroked her hairline. “How do you feel this evening?”

    “Better. What shall we do this evening?” Diana looped her arms around his shoulders.

    “I was thinking while I was changing last night that we’d go picnicking in the wildflower fields. Spend all night out there if we wanted to. Just you, me, and those gorgeous flowers with a basket and blanket. What do you think?”

    “I think it is very romantic and perfect.”

    Marcus smiled down at her. “Good. I had told them to prepare the basket last night before I came back.” He bent down smirking and kissed her. “Now... Should I put more ointment on your back?” Either he or Derrick had been massaging the healing ointment into her back for the past two weeks.

    Diana smiled and nodded. Marcus moved off the bed and retrieved the small nearly empty container. He knows he’ll have to have the hospital make more for him before her back was finished healing. The damage the flames made had been extensive that in two weeks only a small portion of it has faded away. The more severe parts were only softened.

    Diana flipped onto her stomach after she moved the bedding away. She laid flat on the bed as Marcus straddled her legs like he had done these past two weeks. He moved her hair out of the way and bent down to lay a gentle kiss on her shoulder blades. She shivered and giggled at him. He always did that for her before he started.

    Diana moaned with every massaging caress and pass over her back. Marcus loved the sound and knew she loved that he pulls them out of her every time he puts the ointment on her back. He felt proud to make her feel deliciously good.

    “How did you know it was me?” Diana asked peeking over her shoulder at him.

    Marcus sighed knowing she was going to ask. “You were screaming one night. I heard it all the way in my room. Even the servants all heard you. When I got to here and saw the looks on their faces, I demanded to know why none have helped you. They told me you were trapped in a nightmare and weren’t coming out.

    “What I heard next was you screaming for me. Screaming Mars. That’s when everything came together for me. I couldn’t believe that fate brought you back to me when everyone thought you were dead. I felt my heart really beating again for the first time that night in ten years.”

    “You know I was so confused by your tenderness when I woke.”

    Marcus sighed. “I know. I was just overwhelmed with knowing you were alive that I couldn’t control myself.” He massaged the ointment into her lower back. “Master Derrick told me to go easy on you. He was looking out for you. He’s a good man.”

    “He’s a good friend.”

    Marcus chuckled. “I thought it funny when you said you wanted to have a ‘girl’ talk with him.”

    Diana caught his hand and brought it to her lips. “You’re still my number one friend for all time.”

    He smiled as he bent down and brushed her lips with his. “And you mine. Today we will take back some time that was stolen from us.” He started kissing her passionately forgetting all about her back.

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