Missing Heart- Chapter Twenty-Three

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Chapter Twenty-three

    Derrick came bustling in the moment the sun went down. “Forgive me my lord, but I need to work my magic on our angel for the party tonight.” He declared with a mighty smile.

    Diana kissed Marcus not wanting to leave him and had to be pulled by her waist while Marcus laughed. Derrick slung her over his shoulder and carried her away. Marcus had to hold his hands over his mouth so no one heard his laughs when Derrick opened the door.

    “Derrick. You can put me down now.”

    “Nope. Not yet my lady. I’m having too much fun carrying you like this.” Derrick skipped a little. “I can’t wait till you see the gown I have for you. Been waiting for you to wear it since I found out.”

    “How long have you known?” The guards opened the door and Derrick went into the bathroom where Diana saw a bath already waiting for her.

    Derrick put her down and went over to the the vanity as he always did to give her privacy while she undressed and got into the tub. As soon as he heard Diana sigh with pleasure, he knew he could turn back around.

    “I was told the night his lordship realized. He needed the doctor and myself to help him.” Needed help keeping the secret quiet and helping both of them.

    “He told me how you restrained him. Thank you.”

    Derrick shrugged after he sat down with a sponge with lavender liquid soap on it. “I was thinking about you. I didn’t want you to be too confused, and the look on your face that evening when I came in told me how confused and scared you were. You needed someone to hold him back for you.” He scrubbed her shoulder blades and across her arms as she laid them on the tub’s edge.

    “Is the party what you’ve been working on for weeks?”

    Derrick smiled brightly. He was more than proud of his planning for this evening. “Yes. I was so glad to know you were alive that I wanted to have everything ready to celebrate when you knew yourself. How was yesterday? Heard there was a problem in the wildflower field.”

    “Yeah. The man that had haloed me nearly tried again in front of Lord Marcus.” Her voice shook a little at thinking how close the man had come to haloing her again.

    Derrick stop scrubbing her other arm and looked up at her. “Are you alright?” He asked knowing the damage the last halo had done to her.

    Diana nodded looking down at the bath water. “Thankfully Marcus was there.” Diana pulled her knees to her chest and hugged them. “I was so afraid when I saw that device again. Then Marcus’ voice boomed in and diminished my fear.”

    “Oh my lady. I’m glad you weren’t haloed again.” He started to scrub her back now. “How was the rest of the evening? Don’t leave any detail out.”

    Diana giggled and then told him all about yesterday evening. He loved hearing all the little details and how it made her feel like old times. How she could ignore what happened to her and just feel normal like her old self again. A time before when her parents were alive and happy. When she was happy. When she had known Marcus and they were so close.

    An hour later and feed, Diana was ready for the party she could hear already underway. She could hear sounds of people arriving and music. She started to become nervous of being around the vampyre world. Then she remembered that Marcus was going to be with her and there were others. Others who knew who she really was. She knew who she really was too. No blank spots.

    Marcus came in and Diana turned around from the window. He stumbled a few steps in the room. She had caught him off guard with her beauty. He felt more than the luckiest man alive at the moment. To have her looking like that and knowing she was his as he always wanted.

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