Missing Heart- Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Chapter Twenty-eight

    The next evening, Diana and Marcus joined his majesty and all those of his court for breakfast. His majesty had made sure to have a seat nearest him for them both. No one was surprised as his majesty had always favored the Earl of VonChante.

    Many notice Diana. She played her role right as she didn’t look anyone in the eye. Though they didn’t know who she really was, they could see something in her. They couldn’t put their finger on it, but they could almost taste it.

    Lady Gwenith wasn’t allowed to attend any of the meals. The King was reprimanding her for her actions. She was ordered not to present herself before him nor Lord VonChante or VonChante’s ‘mistress’ until the ball. Marcus had heard that Lady Gwenith was in shock at this. He had warned her that the King would be displeased with what she did to his love. She should have taken his warning to heart.

    The rest of the evening was filled with socializing with many people from the council. Diana stayed a step behind Marcus except when the King asked to take her for a walk to show her around. No one saw anything by this as the King did this quiet often with any beautiful young lady that was brought to his palace.

    “You look better my treasure.” The King whispered into Diana’s ear so no one could hear.

    Diana playfully giggled. “Thank you my lord. I feel much better with Lord VonChante’s care.”

    The King smiled down at Diana. He raised his eyebrow. “Not too rough is he?”

    Diana blushed causing his majesty to shake the walls with his booming laugh. She wasn’t too comfortable talking about such things even if she was to play a mistress. “I don’t not feel right talking about such things my lord.”

    “Don’t worry my dear. I just wanted to see your face flush with embarrassment.” He laughed more. Down the hall, his highness caught sight of Lady Gwenith. She turned away and he saw a scowl on her face. He looked to Diana and her eyes had turned down. She had seen Lady Gwenith too.

    He placed his hand under her chin and tilted her head up. “Are you alright?” He saw how close she was to tears.

    Diana nodded tightly. “I will be.”

    He looked back to one of the guards following them. “Get this beauty a glass of wine.” His voice was firm yet gentle. The guard bowed away and hurried to complete his task. Within seconds the guard was bounding back and offered the glass to Diana. She thanked him and he tried to not to look her eyes, but his own eyes grew wide when they looked in each other’s eyes.

    The guard’s eyes shot down as he stepped back after the King hissed his disapproval. Diana swallowed as she put the glass to her lips and took a sip. The King steered her forward with a hand on her lower back. She knew that her eyes had shifted back the moment she remembered. Her eyes were the one thing that could tell someone who she was. She had been keeping from looked straight at anyone because of that.

    The King led her back to the parlor that everyone was at. He saw Diana lighten up when she saw Lord VonChante. Lord VonChante didn’t smile back though the King could see the twitch of Lord VonChante’s lip. He knew Lord VonChante had to try hard to keep his cold expression on around her. One reason he wanted to take Diana around for a little while.

    Diana curtsied to the King before taking her place beside Marcus. He put his hand on the small of her back and rubbed his thumb on her spine. Marcus smiled internally at her slight shiver to his touch. He knew exactly what to do to sooth her and tell her he loved her through a simple gesture of his hand.

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